Analysis Of 'Our Mutual Joy: The Religious Case For Gay Marriage' By Lisa Miller

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This article we read(Our Mutual Joy: The Religious Case For Gay Marriage) by Lisa Miller (569-576). Whether it be political or personal, Millers purposes are very one sided about the many arguments she shows us throughout her article. That is how most writings should be, the article makes readers really think about each issue at hand and what the article entails. What is your take on the subject, how does reading this impact your own views?
The article by Lisa Miller begins with the relations with religious conservatives and how they define their way of life. The author indicates they search for gay marriage scripture in the bible for justification of what is right through the bible and how gay marriage fits into their lifestyle, or if it even does at all. A quote from the text, Paragraph 3 “The battle over gay marriage has been waged for more than a decade, especially, within the last six months since California legalized gay marriage”.
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For example, a quote from paragraph four, by Rev. Richard A. Hunter, a United Methodist Minister, he gave a statement to the Atlanta Journal that said “The Bible and Jesus define marriage as between a man and a women”. Therefore, he is saying that it isn 't right for the church to approve same sex marriages because it is against the scripture, even in his own beliefs and based on the statements made in the bible.
Millers main point was about the relevance between gays and the bible and how they relate to present time. Something that was weird while reading through her article, she

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