Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage

Superior Essays
Register to read the introduction… Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, right? Well, then what happens when you suddenly change the definition and turn it into a “loving, romantic union between committed adults?” (Vogt). It doesn’t work like that. It confuses society and children. What then, is to stand in the way of those who want to make polygamous or incestuous relationships legal? In several countries, “three-way relationships were…granted the full rights of marriage” after same-sex marriage was legalized in such countries(Vogt). Same-sex relationships also cause children psychological problems. Children of homosexual parents “were more than twice as likely to…be…in counseling or therapy”. They were also more likely to identify as being something other than heterosexual (Regnerus). Same-sex marriage is not only disruptive to the societal order, it also disrupts the Constitution. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was an amendment to the Constitution …show more content…
Catholics believe in many of the same principles other traditional Christians believe: traditional marriage is the only marriage pleasing to God and ultimately for man. Pope Benedict the 16th himself conveyed opposition to gay marriage, not “approv[ing] of legal initiatives that imply a re-evaluation of the life of the couple and the family” (“Should Gay Marriage Be Legal?”). The LDS Church has also spoken out about its strong opposition to same-sex marriage. They believe that “marriage between a man and a woman was instituted by God and is central to His plan for His children and for the well-being of society”( “Church Instructs Leaders on Same-Sex Marriage”). The laws of God, they believe, cannot be altered by what man’s laws shift to as time moves on. Marriage is not a law of man, it is a law of God. It is not up to man to alter such laws, but up to God

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