Electronics help the readers to distract themselves to not able to concentrate on reading. In the article, “How to survive the Age of Distraction” by Johann Hari, he explains to his audience that “age of distraction” is evolving because he or she is having a hard time reading a book being surrounded by electronics is distracting to those who are trying to absorb information. Hari uses two strategies to help him to support his main idea, which are to contrast and uses other author sources. By using of these two strategies, he determines that this will help the readers to understand his main idea. The point the author is trying to make is emphasized with the use of contrast and appeal to be more specific to the readers and to show what he is trying to say in his article. He is telling to the readers that he or she should minimize their time on electronics and focus more on physical copy. He wants his audience to know that the readers should balance his or her time using between electronics and physical paper books. It is important to acknowledge all that books in their physical form have to offer no matter how easy and fun the idea of these technology may
Electronics help the readers to distract themselves to not able to concentrate on reading. In the article, “How to survive the Age of Distraction” by Johann Hari, he explains to his audience that “age of distraction” is evolving because he or she is having a hard time reading a book being surrounded by electronics is distracting to those who are trying to absorb information. Hari uses two strategies to help him to support his main idea, which are to contrast and uses other author sources. By using of these two strategies, he determines that this will help the readers to understand his main idea. The point the author is trying to make is emphasized with the use of contrast and appeal to be more specific to the readers and to show what he is trying to say in his article. He is telling to the readers that he or she should minimize their time on electronics and focus more on physical copy. He wants his audience to know that the readers should balance his or her time using between electronics and physical paper books. It is important to acknowledge all that books in their physical form have to offer no matter how easy and fun the idea of these technology may