“It is possible for students to get so caught up in issues such as type font or audio clips that they pay less attention to the substantive content of their product….Teachers are developing strategies to make sure that students do not get distracted by some of the more enticing but less substantive features of technology” (effects of technology).
The problem, today, is that with the technology the students have a toy in front of them which is taking their concentration away from the teacher and to the device that they have. The teacher should be the main focus in the room, not the computer or whatever they have. They are even losing focus on what the assignment is. The students are too focused on what their assignment looks like rather than the content in it. “With the temptation of social media and texting in their hands, students may focus solely on their social life instead of the lesson plan” (pros and cons). The moment you put anything that has internet access on it, students will take advantage of it and go onto their social media sites and check in with everyone. With that comes not paying attention to the teacher in front of them and focusing on the website. Which then backfires on them and causes them to get behind in school work, fail assignments, and not learning what they are supposed to. Having technology in front of the students is causing them to not do well in school because of the distraction of social media and the