It is not helpful to attempt to stay in a consistent state of concentration. Our minds just don’t work like that. Anderson
It is not helpful to attempt to stay in a consistent state of concentration. Our minds just don’t work like that. Anderson
Can your children get you in a serious trouble and even send you to prison!? Obviously, yes. One such a man, author Dave Barry, wrote “Driven to distraction,” published in December 30, 2001, and he argues that how far it is difficult to satisfy your children’s demands in order to make them joyful and happy. He begins building his credibility with personal facts and successfully employing emotional appeals. In his article, Dave relies on his personal experiences with his daughter and the trouble he got into.…
As an online student I will, and have came in contact with many distractions while trying to study and complete assignments.. As I am trying to complete this discussion post my 5 year old is asking one billion questions.. “What are you doing mommy?” Mommy, can you fix my bracelet?” “Bubba is scaring me with his zombie costume.”…
Carr proves in the juggler’s brain how distraction can disrupt many people. As technology continues to increase and become more available, the more the brain struggles to juggle and concentrate on one activity. Having a juggler’s brain means that one cannot give full focus or concentration on one idea, and is having multiple ideas or activities going on in their brain, which increases distraction. Carr gives the example, “Try reading a book while doing a crossword puzzle; that’s the intellectual environment of the internet” (Carr 126). He compares multitasking two literary ideals in our daily lives to the internet and how difficult it is becoming.…
The Artificial Human There is a situation that most humans have encountered. People can be in public hoping and praying for a text or a notification on social media, but cringe at the idea of another person sitting next to them on public transportation and possibly striking a conversation. This is an example of the five-foot circumference that most Americans have created that they like to call “personal space”. There once was a time when people craved social interactions and face-to-face communication.…
I will be analyzing The Dangers of Digital Distractedness by Lauren Shinozuka on page 145 of Writing Arguments. This article claims that technology is harming society because it promotes an unproductive habit of multitasking, dehumanizes our relationships, and encourages a distorted self-image. I will be examining the various types of rhetorical strategies and evidence the author uses and how effective they are at persuading the reader in this article. This article uses not so much ethos, but plenty of pathos and logos.…
In her essay, Multitasking Can Make You Lose…Um…Focus, Alina Tugend discusses many effects of multitasking. We think that multitasking is a way to keep us more efficient, but in reality it may be doing just the opposite. Tugend says that,”psychologists, neuroscientists, and others are finding that it [multitasking] can put us under a great deal of stress and actually make us less efficient. It turns out that most of the time when we think we’re multitasking, we actually aren’t.…
In the article, “Multitasking Can Make You Lose ... Um ... Focus,” Alina Tugend claims that instead of multi-tasking we can learn to stick with single-tasking. The author stated in the article “that the next time the phone rings sit on the couch and don’t focus on anything else but the conversation (Tugend). She says this because she makes it well known in the article that multi-tasking is bad for others. She explained her opinion on multi-tasking by showing studies that have been done.…
When the distractions affect the ability to stay focused it will become difficult to process and prioritize information received on the scene. Following…
Video Games: A Misunderstood Medium For many years children and adults have enjoyed a special form of entertainment that provides experiences like no other, the video game. These electronic toys have been on the market since the 1970’s, a recent development, and history has shown that new trends are often targeted as a scapegoat for problems of the time. Currently, the ever growing industry of video games has been the source of such controversy, and is frequently blamed for many of the modern world’s misfortunes. Yet, despite what the media may say, these electronic distractions may actually be better for humanity than previously imagined.…
As we do our work, there are distractions everywhere. However, the internet has proven to be the biggest distraction and has kept us from completing our work on time. "Google is, quite literally, in the business of distraction." (157). This quote shows how the internet is our biggest distraction and is capable of keeping us from finishing our work.…
Books, the source of ideas and insight into past and present generations. However, our current generation is plagued with a new issue of physical books or electronic books. Johann Hari weighs in on this discussion. In the article “How to Survive the Age of Distraction” by Johann Hari, the “age of distraction” is evolving because humans want to be on their electronics while reading. No matter how easy and fun technology is, it is still important to recognize what physical books have to offer.…
With the dawn of the 21st century, multitasking has become ingrained in the American culture. Being able to focus all of one’s attention on the task at hand is no longer the social norm. Instead, people’s concentration divides between a myriad of goals from emailing coworkers to listening to presentations to playing Solitaire. Even if multitasking has become a lifestyle for Americans, is it truly beneficial? Although skeptics attest that multitasking is inefficient or even impossible, practice shows that the ability to divide attention or accomplish multiple goals at once is essential to creating a personalized system of education and learning, as well as staying at the forefront of an adapting world and the constant innovation of the workplace.…
It may at first seem that in “In Defense of Distraction” and “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk” agree that technology is interfering with human focus thus changing the way we view the world; However, a closer analysis reveals that “In Defense of Distraction” argues that interference of technological distraction is necessary to obtain focus. The article “In Defense of Distraction” by Sam Anderson, he believes that technology has been influential to our generation and states that distraction is healthy for humans. Anderson states, “Unwavering focus- the inability to be distracted-can actually be just as problematic as ADHD”…
Carr continues to make allusions to constant disruptions of concentration involved with the internet, and as he never specifies what area of the internet is so disruptive, he causes the readers to assume that he means all internet activities are equally detrimental to one’s mental acuity. While some of what he states about neural pathways being formed and re-formed constantly to adapt to a changing environment (evolution and adaptability spring to mind, not a “deadly” devolution of human intellect that he warns of) can be easily agreed with, he fails to successfully leap from this point to a connection with his argument that the internet is causing harm in the formation of these neural pathways. The studies he references throughout the last half the article are indicators of personality types and levels of maturity, making it clear that he does not make a distinction between causation and correlation. Furthermore, he contradicts his point about adaptability when he concludes with the concept that we are naturally distractible and that we have evolved to have focus. The point he was making in a previous argument was that our natural focus was being worn away by new factors causing distractibility.…
Other activities might interfere with your ability to focus your attention,…