Gun Violence: A Short Note On Gun Control

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Gun “Control” In this day and age crime is and all pervasive force. We think there is none in our community, we are wrong. We are surrounded by drugs, violence, and pseudo-gangs, which in time may become all too real. And with gangs, or any excess of crime for that matter, violence is bound to follow eventually. All too often the common implement of this violence is the firearm, or gun. Firearms come in many shapes, forms, sizes, calibres (ammunition dimensions), manufacturers, etc. they are produced all over the world, mostly legally, but also illegally to a small degree, just as they are owned. Certain political minds (you can probably think of a few) believe that in order to stop gun involved crime we must make it difficult or impossible …show more content…
Take chicago for example, the city has some of, if not the most restrictive and harsh gun control laws in the country, are they known as being a peaceful and safe city? No, they are not, chicago is known for its all pervasive crime presence and baffling death rates. Why is this you may ask yourself? Shouldn't all the laws keep everyone safe? Shouldn't anyone have guns? Well the issue with that is quite simple. Criminals don't follow the law and don't even feel like it's relevant to them. So a law is passed that says it illegal to own a handgun, our criminal friend (lets call him reggie) finds out about this law, at the time of reggie learning of this law he has his favorite handgun on his person (which is already illegal) and four more at home (all of which are unregistered which is also illegal). At learning of this new law does he turn all of his handguns over to the police because it's the law? No, he rolls his eyes and decides to double down and buy five more illegal handguns. Why does he do this you may ask? Simple answer, reggie is a criminal and couldn't give a damn about the law even if he tried. Chicago, with its boa constrictor strict gun laws has one of the highest violence per capita rates not in the country (which its number one) it's one of the highest in the world, if chicago were its own country it would be one of the most dangerous on the planet. It is known to be more dangerous than the battlefields of the middle east, for every soldier that dies over in the middle east, four people die in chicago, think about that for a moment. There happens to be a correlation between strict gun laws and heightened gun violence, and its not a good one. In states where concealed carry is legal, there is about half the amount of crime as where there isn't concealed carry, due to criminals having zero regard for the laws in place and the

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