"Gun Control- Why America and Australia Hold Such Different Views." The Global Townhall. Winter 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. This article compares two countries with two stances on gun control. Australia restricts guns while America allows guns. It brings up the fact that even though they are similar culturally, they have different histories and their geographical locations determine if guns are a recommended or not. Since America doesn’t have the luxury of being a single island country like Australia, it has to share borders with two countries, more importantly, Mexico, with its reputation of common drug trafficking and illegal immigration into the United States. This article is short but sweet, with an unbiased view and lack of distractions. This article will be used in my argument about gun control and its connection with history, location, and …show more content…
"Mexico Shows That Tight Gun Control Laws Don 't Guarantee Compliance" Reason.com. N.p., 11 Dec. 2012. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. This website explains how Mexico, with extremely strict gun laws, still faces more gun-related violence than the United States. The article mentions that the black market is always available to criminals in Mexico and also states that strict gun laws are not effective when a country borders another country with high gun-related violence. If the United States passes similar laws like Mexico’s, the amount of gun-related crime would not be that much different, since we share a border with the country. This article is not biased and simply states the state of the nation in regard to its gun violence, and it includes citations to several included quotes. This article will tie to my argument about the ineffectiveness of gun laws in the United