Spending two and half hours in each classroom, I learned a great deal about early childhood education from ages birth through eight, and the effort and skills that it takes to create a stimulating learning environment. For my infant, toddler, and preschool observations, I spent my hours at the CCC Childcare Center located in our college while for my kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade observations, I spent my time at Casey Park Elementary School. During my observations at the CCC Childcare Center, I learned plenty about the methods and practices that go into early education before primary grades. The preschool classroom really stood out to me because the centers in the classroom were very open ended and filled with lots of manipulative for…
She did this by asking, guiding, and answering questions between the other team members and parents of Dominic. The special education teacher was poise and well prepared for the meeting and had exhibited prior knowledge about the student who the meeting was focused on. There was also a scribe amongst the team. Her role was to take notes during the meeting and to update forms relating…
With this intelligence, she finds ways to keep her students interested in her lessons. For example, Mrs. Cox will incorporate…
Observation: Rise Program Physical Setting Rise is a beautiful facility. All of the windows looking into the classrooms and looking outside are my favorite because they provide light, openness, and a sense of connection throughout the whole building. The commons is also a great area. It is large and open for all of the kids to spread out and explore their surroundings, while engaging in gross motor activities, such as going down a slide, riding a tricycle, or jumping on a trampoline.…
The observation is about the preschool program at Pasadena City College Child Development Center, located at 1324 E Green Street, Pasadena, California. The Center is funded by the state and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The preschool program is serving children between two and half to four and half years old. During this observation, there are twenty-nine children in the classroom. There are five teachers, Ms.Kassandra, Ms.Mikki, Ms.Melissa, Ms.Katie, and Mr.Alex.…
My field work experience had started in the preschool and where I have done the majority of my observations thus far. In the preschool I was beginning to understand how the different of components of the preschool all had concepts of phycology through all aspects of the classroom. During my time I saw how Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, how students handled new information through various methods, and Vygotsky’s sociocultural perspective are incorporated through different sections of the classroom. The classroom was based that learning should not be a structured experience, but learning should be developed through play and exploration.…
My child observation and classroom observation took place at the Mt. San Jacinto Child Development and Education center in the preschool/pre-k (ages 36 months to 54 months) program room. This classroom has 2 teachers and 15 children in attendance during my observation. My study child is a male student age 4 who for this assignment I will refer to as C. The classroom environment as a whole can handle the children within the program, however I will provide a better picture of the entire room to have a clear picture for reflection. As a child walking into this classroom you feel a sense of warmth of both the environment and also from the teacher as she greats all her children individually.…
Even though Mrs. B wasn’t a part of the dry erase sentence classroom activity, she was helping the students review on their learning in the back of the classroom. After speaking to Mrs. B about the seating arrangements and learned about the technique that they were trying to use to see if it will succeed. The new seats arrangements are an experiment to if certain students are going to benefit and learn better if they are surrounding around students that are advance so they can piggy back the knowledge. Overall, I had a wonderful time observing Mrs. Turner’s Kindergarten classroom during these pass 7 weeks; I definitely hope that when I become a teacher I can a use her methods and techniques that Mrs. Turner and Mrs. B. used in my own…
On 01/24/2018, I observed one of an Early Head Start classroom at Kidango, Eden Palms. At 9:30 AM there were four children and one teacher inside of the classroom. At the sand box, Chanel sits on the chair next to the sand box. She uses a red measure cup to scoop the sand from the small sand box. She grasps a wooden square cutout shapes, she holds it and look at it.…
On my first day of observing Mrs. Albita’s 4th grade classroom, I first noticed how she selected the student that would write the objective for the day. Mrs. Alba has a jar with popsicle sticks that contain the names of all the students in her class. She selects one stick and that student is responsible for writing the class objective correctly. First the student has to listen to the teacher carefully. Next, the student writes down what he/she heard.…
Mrs. Diaz instructed me to work with both advanced and struggling learners, which provided me with an unique experience that allowed me to recognize the varying learners in the room. She has even asked me to make and design chart paper for her upcoming lessons (I loved this). On this particular day, the children were formally assessed by Mrs. Diaz; she administered exams and instructed students to produce independent persuasive pieces. By observing on this day, I was able to further witness assessment and the standards that accompany instruction.…
She showed interest in their personal lives and that made students responding with their individual stories. 9. Did the teacher appear to have adequate knowledge of his/her subject matter and pedagogy? Back up your opinion. Mrs. Williamson appeared to have the excellent knowledge of her subjects as well the techniques.…
The age of the children I observed were around the age three to five years old, preschool age. I arrived at 3:30 pm, and the children were all sitting in the carpet. It was around reading time. Some children had books and were sitting on the carpet, while others were sitting on a couch reading, or picking out a book from the shelf. One girl on the carpet was talking to another girl about wanting to eat chicken nuggets, and imitated eating nuggets.…
David is a 2.4 years old child who attends a child care center in Bunker Hill Community College, Charlestown campus. There are 2 toddler classes and one for preschool. I observed David with two other girls were in toddler 2 since the class age from 2.3 till 2.9, if it is less than that they go to toddler 1, if it is more they go to preschool class. There was one teacher for the class. I observed David about 45 minutes, in this observation I took notes about Davied's behaviors and how it affects his development, according to the development domains: physical, cognitive and social-emotional.…
As the day goes on Mrs. Meredith has numerous tasks for me to do. She asks me to make copies, file papers in children’s take home folders, and help the kids with any questions they have while Mrs. Meredith is in her small groups. The students are very eager to learn, overall she has a very positive classroom environment. Reflection…