“I think most schools have a resident idiot” (Elliot 32). At Robinson Secondary school, there is an English teacher named Cynthia Yost. She prides herself as being one of the most valuable teachers in her subject. Although she provides opportunities for students to learn English skills that are valuable, Cindy is an inadequate teacher because of her disregard for her students' other work from other classes, and her constant over-assigning of useless materials with absurd due dates.…
An example of an epic would be the story of Beowulf, It is a story of bravery, and proving that he still has what is takes to be a hero in his kingdom. Beowulf would be the epic hero in the story. Inferno, by Dante would be another example of an epic. Although it is not all fighting and bloodshed like Beowulf, it is more about learning from one's mistakes and taking something from the experience. Although, Dante may not be the poster boy for epic heroes, he still possesses many attributes of it.…
There are five traits are characterized in an epic. The five traits of an epic are that the protagonist is a hero with the virtues of bravery and wisdom; the setting is on a grand and vast scale, encompassing much of the known world; actions require noble, fantastic, and even superhuman actions, supernatural entities involve themselves in the affairs of a hero, and the epic is written in…
The Odyssey “I see destruction for ship and crew. Thought you survive alone(780/645-646).” This is one of the main plots in the Odyssey, by Homer. The Odyssey is about an epic hero named Odysseus, king of Ithaca, tries to get back home after the Trojan war, but it takes twenty years to get back to his palace because of Poseidon, the sea god.…
The interpretation of a hero varies through most stories. The most common type of hero has an exceptional trait or power, but has one major flaw. The exceptional trait or power can range from super strength like in “The Incredibles” to extreme cleverness shown in the Odyssey. Both heroes still have one major flaw in “The Incredibles” the hero lives in the past and in the Odyssey the hero is egotistic. Heroes contain exceptional traits along with a major flaw.…
A hero should have the traits of loyalty, courage, and cunningness. The main character , Odysseus, from The Odyssey by Homer has traits of a epic hero. Odysseus shows these traits multiple times. He denies Calypso and Circe`s offer to stay with them, thinks before acting, and creates a intelligent plan to save his men.…
He showed intelligence, courage, skill, arrogance and strength ect.. Most of these traits are what makes Odysseus an Epic Hero. The ancient Greeks found all of these traits admirable because these traits are what make Odysseus a true hero. Strength, intelligence and courage are the most favorable and most common traits a hero would have. Most people would enjoy reading or watching a movie of a hero with all these traits, because without these traits it 'll be very dull.…
What made Odysseus an epic hero? Well, one thing that made him an epic hero was his intelligence. He showed his intelligence once when he told the cyclops his name was nobody. He also showed intelligence when he came up with the Trojan horse. That is one reason he is considered an epic hero.…
An epic hero is often described as the big hero in a story or reading and is also the main character. They often illustrate great qualities including strength, determination, and bravery. Heroes are said to always have a quest, sometimes more than one, and they most likely have helpers or assistants helping them through these quests. During these quests, the evil characters always seem to be after the hero. They must show the qualities of a hero or they would not be able to accomplish their quests thoroughly.…
The image of heroes has changed numerous times throughout history. The epic hero became popularized by epic poems in which an individual embarked on treacherous quests and illustrated desirable traits through their actions. Recently, the modern hero has gained acceptance. This hero displays courage, selflessness, and does the right thing without need for praise or compensation. In The Iliad by Homer, many heroes arise on the battlefield due to their gallant acts on both sides.…
Hero is a word associated with a completely different type of being in our modern world. When we think of a hero our minds immediately go to the stories we were told as children such as superheroes like batman, superman, and wonder woman. All characters who have exceptional talents or powers to protect mankind. Unlike our heroes of today, who are made up, the heroes of ancient Greece that immediately comes to mind were very real to the people. The Odyssey by Homer does an exemplary job at defining “hero” through the long journey of Odysseus.…
Sir Isaac Newton: The Man Ahead of His Time Throughout the ages, mankind has seen countless amounts of heroes rise and fall, but what makes them a hero? Epic heroes rise from absolutely nothing and perish in amazingly horrific ways, tragic heroes have one flaw that continues through their life till it ultimately kills them, but historical heroes are very unique from these other two. While those heroes are nice to imagine about in a make believe world, these real heroes actually had to face these hardships and stayed determined, like Sir Isaac Newton, one of the smartest men of his time.…
The tale of a hero is one of the most classic of stories, told in various forms throughout the ages. Every hero, classical and modern, has different strengths, weaknesses, and challenges that they demonstrate and face along the way, exhibiting traits that prove them a hero. While there is no doubt that the central figures of the Greek myths of Perseus, Hercules, and Atalanta are all heroes, Hercules, strong both in will and physically, stands as the best example of a classic hero. Heroes are not made without challenges, some of which they face early on in their journey. Hercules and Atalanta meet their first struggle as children, with the goddess Hera sending the former “two great snakes [that] came crawling into the nursery” (Hamilton 228), which Hercules promptly kills, and the latter being “left on a wild mountainside to die of cold and hunger” (Hamilton 246) by her father.…
An Epic Hero is a brave and noble character in an Epic Poem, admired for achievements or affected by events. There are eight elements of an Epic Hero Cycle. The eight elements of an Epic Hero Cycle are: (1) the main character has to be possessed of supernatural abilities; (2) the hero is charged with a quest; (3) the hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest; (4) the presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions; (5) the hero travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering; (6) the cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated; (7) a resurrection; and (8) a restitution.…
As the day goes on Mrs. Meredith has numerous tasks for me to do. She asks me to make copies, file papers in children’s take home folders, and help the kids with any questions they have while Mrs. Meredith is in her small groups. The students are very eager to learn, overall she has a very positive classroom environment. Reflection…