Gilgamesh’s strength is tested in Battle and Utnapishtim, the wise flood hero, test his wits. Ishtar, the goddess of love and war, is overcome with lust for King Gilgamesh. (Karahashi, Fumi et al. 2) says, “Tablet VI of the Gilgamesh Epic begins with a scene in which Ishtar, watching Gilgamesh wash- ing himself and putting on clean clothes, falls in love with him and proposes marriage: "You shall be my husband, and I your wife!" (98) But, Gilgamesh did not want her because he knows what has happened to all of her other lovers. Ishtar is enraged. She wants to release the bull so she can watch Gilgamesh bleed to death. Ishtar releases the bull, Enkidu and Gilgamesh fight the bull together. Gilgamesh kills the bull and cut its heart out. After the Bull of Heaven, Gilgamesh boastingly asks the crowd who’s the best hero and he answers his own question by saying “Gilgamesh is!” Gilgamesh wits are tested in Utnapishtim. Gilgamesh wants to become a God so he can live forever. All he has to do is stay awake for a week, but as soon as he sits down he falls …show more content…
There are eight elements of an Epic Hero Cycle. The eight elements of an Epic Hero Cycle are: (1) the main character has to be possessed of supernatural abilities; (2) the hero is charged with a quest; (3) the hero is tested, often to prove the worthiness of himself and his quest; (4) the presence of numerous mythical beings, magical and helpful animals, and human helpers and companions; (5) the hero travels take him to a supernatural world, often one that normal human beings are barred from entering; (6) the cycle must reach a low point where the hero nearly gives up his quest or appears defeated; (7) a resurrection; and (8) a restitution. Gilgamesh is an Epic