1. Give a general overall view of what you did during your visit.
My Visit began with Mrs. Williamsons in the classroom 15 minutes before the students start their day. She …show more content…
Williamsons had a level of expectation for student behavior that was in place and consistent from the beginning of the year. The students stayed on task because she kept them on task with great time attention. She only had to get the attention of the students a couple of times by using the chime, when students were practicing the worksheet and they started chatting. Her way of getting attention by using the chime was great, as she doesn’t have to talk when students are already talking and she got their attention very quickly. They knew they were off track for a few seconds and they quickly went back to …show more content…
Describe how the teacher related to the students? Was this effective? Why or why not?
Mrs. Williamsons had an excellent relationship with her students. In the morning as they entered the classroom and she greeted them. She showed interest in their personal lives and that made students responding with their individual stories.
9. Did the teacher appear to have adequate knowledge of his/her subject matter and pedagogy? Back up your opinion.
Mrs. Williamson appeared to have the excellent knowledge of her subjects as well the techniques. She taught the concept of multiplication really effectively by using different techniques including video. She also included the online practice in her subject matter to make sure students get to learn the subject easiest possible way and they could use the technology too.
10. Discuss the teacher’s questioning techniques.
Mrs. Williamsons asked questions from almost every student and give them about 3 seconds time to respond and if they didn’t, she gave them a clue. Her questioning clearly covered the knowledge, comprehension, and application categories effectively.
11. What did you additionally see that you felt was effective about this school? Tell