Elementary Classroom Observation

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On my first day of observing Mrs. Albita’s 4th grade classroom, I first noticed how she selected the student that would write the objective for the day. Mrs. Alba has a jar with popsicle sticks that contain the names of all the students in her class. She selects one stick and that student is responsible for writing the class objective correctly. First the student has to listen to the teacher carefully. Next, the student writes down what he/she heard. The teacher then checks to make sure the student spelled all the words correctly. If the student does not spell a word correctly the teacher points out what word is incorrect and gives the student one more chance to spell it correctly. If the student misses then the teacher selects another students to spell the word and finish writing the objective. I thought this was different because in America the teacher usually has the objective written on the board already. Initially, I thought that it seemed like a waste of time because the student that she first picked was taking a while to write the objective. After the third student finished writing the objective, however, I noticed that this particular exercise was very important. Having the students write down the objective has them practice their listening and writing skills. It was interesting to see where the students messed up on the words. I noticed that most of them had trouble spelling words with double letters. For example, two students misspelled the word assignment and some kept writing the wrong word down because they could not understand what the teacher was saying. I assumed that it was hard for the students to understand what Mrs. Alba was saying because of her Spanish accent. Later that day I had the chance to read the objective to the students to see if this assumption was correct. To my surprise it was! The students that went up to write the objective when I read it had an easier time understanding it because my pronunciation and diction were much clearer. The objective that day discussed how that the students were going to learn how to write a clerihew poem. The teacher discussed was this poem consisted of and had the students begin writing. The students were to choose a topic from their topic list they had created earlier that week. For the half of the morning the students worked on their poem draft while the teacher called the students up one by one to check their finalized version of their acrostic poem from the day before. During this time I was walking around offering help to those students that needed punctuation and spelling help. After the teacher asked the students to put all of their stuff away, the students then headed to art. I had the chance to observe their art class that day. Mr. Carlos had the students grab their paint and continue working on their painting from the previous class. The students had so much fun painting and working on their sketches. I was invited to sit with a group of students and they encouraged me to create a drawing that represented where I was from. I sketched out a picture of “The Bean” in Chicago and they thought it was the coolest thing. I was later able to should them an actually image from online and they thought it was neat that it was structured as a bean and that it worked as a mirror. …show more content…
Once they had everything put away they were dismissed from school. Wednesdays at ABSS are always half days do to professional development meetings the teachers have. Once all of the students were gone Mrs. Alba and I made our way to the multipurpose room where the ABSS teachers were going to have their poster presentations set up. I had the chance to listen to several teachers present on various topics. It was interesting to see how many rural schoolteachers showed up to listen to these topics. One teacher presented on love and affection and another presented on a journal she works on with the students. I walked away with several ideas of things to keep in mind when having my own

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