Once they had everything put away they were dismissed from school. Wednesdays at ABSS are always half days do to professional development meetings the teachers have. Once all of the students were gone Mrs. Alba and I made our way to the multipurpose room where the ABSS teachers were going to have their poster presentations set up. I had the chance to listen to several teachers present on various topics. It was interesting to see how many rural schoolteachers showed up to listen to these topics. One teacher presented on love and affection and another presented on a journal she works on with the students. I walked away with several ideas of things to keep in mind when having my own
Once they had everything put away they were dismissed from school. Wednesdays at ABSS are always half days do to professional development meetings the teachers have. Once all of the students were gone Mrs. Alba and I made our way to the multipurpose room where the ABSS teachers were going to have their poster presentations set up. I had the chance to listen to several teachers present on various topics. It was interesting to see how many rural schoolteachers showed up to listen to these topics. One teacher presented on love and affection and another presented on a journal she works on with the students. I walked away with several ideas of things to keep in mind when having my own