Charter School Field Observation

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My field observations took place at Renaissance Charter School at Central Palm. I honestly had a wonderful experience and I really enjoyed my time there. I was assigned to Ms. Pickholtz’s 1st grade class. When I first arrived to the charter school I was extremely nervous and a little anxious because just the thought of actually helping a teacher run a class seemed scary to me because I felt like I would do a horrible job at it. However, I was welcomed by both the teacher and the class and I felt in place. Ms. Pickholtz’s class consists of 24 children, ages 6 to 8. It’s a co-ed and mixed class of friendly and adorable students.
During my time there I had the privilege of meeting many wonderful students and a few teachers and create a bond with each of them. The children were amazing, and through this experience I was assured that this is what I want to do with my future. Before my observations, I thought I wanted to be a 3rd grade teacher, but after my observations I realized I would like to start from Kindergarten or 1st grade and work my way up to 5th grade so I can have the experience. I’m so grateful to be able to participate in such a great experience as an aspiring teacher. The first day consisted of me being assigned to the class I would be observing and meeting the class. When I arrived to Ms. Pickholtz’s class I was greeted by a room of children hurriedly running around trying to finish their bell ringer, or morning assignment. After the assignment was turned in, I was introduced as Ms. “S”. Most of the class was a little shy at first but later as the day went on they become friendlier, and honestly it was very cute. During my first day I learned that I can’t be a “mother-hen” and I have to let children settle their differences and arguments by themselves unless it gets out of hand. For instance, within an hour into class, two students got into an argument, I stood up to stop it but Ms. Pickholtz told me to wait and see what happens. After they stopped, Ms. Pickholtz told them to apologize to each other, which led to a hug, and immediately after they went back to working on their assignments together. Kindergarten and 1st grade is when students start to learn to settle their differences by themselves and become more independent as the time goes on. Though if it gets out of hand, teachers have to step in. About two and a half hours into class, Ms. Pickholtz class went to lunch and she dropped me off at a 3rd grade class to observe. I noticed that 3rd graders, while still young and playful, they were more mature than 1st graders. They didn’t get into arguments over little things such as having to share a box of crayons and they were much more respectful towards each other. They worked better together because they understood that they have to. After Ms. Pickholtz’s class had lunch, I was told to go back to the cafeteria and walk with them to recess. During recess, the class usually plays in the
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I also took some snacks for the class. Since it was a Friday, in the morning the children were given charm necklaces, each charm they received represented all the good deeds they did throughout the week. Some charms included: a hat, which meant they used their thinking hats, or in other words they tried their best to get their work done on their own, a star, which represented being on-task and listening to directions, and a heart, which represented kindness towards others. After they received their necklaces, we went to a computer room and the kids were able to learn to read and follow directions while playing games on a website called Tynker. Later on, Ms. Pickholtz and I dropped them off in the cafeteria and as we walked back to the classroom we talked about my future plans as a teacher and why teachers are important. After lunch, we walked out to an area beside the field because both the playground and field were wet that day and the children were allowed to play with jump-ropes, Frisbees and other

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