It’s clear that we live in a period characterized by our constant use of advanced technologies that allow us to, for the first time ever, connect with people all over the world. As we move deeper into this Information Age, relying more on technology to advance our work and play, those who can not use the technology, or readily have access to it, will be left to fend for themselves. This phenomenon, generally referred to as the digital divide, will be used to explain a lot of the inequality that will undoubtedly occur in the future as technology continues to be more necessary to sustain any sort of modicum form of …show more content…
Devices such as Apple’s iPhone or the many devices that use Google’s Android operating system, have gone a long way in offering users, especially people of color, with the opportunity to connect online for significantly less costs. If the internet and access to and knowledge of other advance technologies continues to be looked at as a luxury that only those who can afford it can utilize, a significant portion of American citizens will be left further behind resulting in increased rates of income inequality and subsequent educational inequality. Without adequately investing to insure that everyone has access to and knowledge oft the technologies that will catapult the worlds economies forward, minorities and anyone else not connected will be left behind without anyway of becoming upwardly mobile. If this issues is adequately addressed, all citizens would have the skills that would allow them to be competitive in the labor market and in life. At that point, regardless of race or class, anyone would be able to