Most of the time a teacher would help the students come up with solutions to their problem through brainstorming solutions and asking if both the students could agree to the solution. It didn’t always go easily with both of the students agreeing right away or the students coming up with fair solutions, but it got the children to begin to understand the concept of another person perceptive even when it seemed impossible. The second section of my observation was understanding how students handled new information through schema, equilibration, accommodation, and assimilation. One way the teacher would help the students begin to process new information is by setting up different work centers that had assimilation and accommodation. Some of the centers were always the same, some changed daily, and others changed weekly. The stations involved work building structures with various materials, a writing/ drawing station, a discovery station, a dramatic play station, a snack table and a station that was always changing. The drawing station was almost always the same, but there was so much material it allowed the schools to balance new information with old information with …show more content…
When it came to the predominates in the classroom it was always centered around group work and it was discouraged to work with a student individually. There were various forms of tools and signs used in the classroom to help the children expand their learning and