Definition Essay About Love

Improved Essays
Love is not a simple word. It is not even a word at all. Love is the deepest emotion that a person can feel. It is a deep, warm, and whole sensation that grows in the heart and seeps into the soul like honey. The feeling of love is the equivalent to the feeling a person gets when he or she blushes. It starts out small, a prickling feeling in the apples of the cheeks that spreads to the tip of the nose, passionate, There are many different ways to feel love, and everyone feels it differently. A person’s admiration for someone can be shown through simple gestures, or it can be thrown out into the world for everyone to see. The deepest type of love anyone can feel is All types of love are expressed in different ways. The love a person feels …show more content…
If a child was raised by its mother and father, then that is who it would love. If a child was loved by its aunt, cousin, uncle, or grandparent, then the child would love them just as much. When I say family, I do not limit the word to parents and blood relatives. Family counts as whoever has raised someone, been a part of their lives, and been with them through thick and thin. This is the unconditional love felt by family. From the moment of a child’s birth, it is loved, taught right from wrong, and expected to do great things in life. The family helps the child grow, and they are the ones who keep it on its feet. When the child can walk on its own, has learned many of life’s valuable lessons, and has moved on from its family, it will remember the lessons it has been taught. The child is no longer a child, and its family has sent it into the world with pride in their hearts and the deepest feelings of success imaginable. The family has watched the child grow, be at its worst, and make mistakes, but it is still loved. This is the epitome of what love is like in a family. This type of love never gives up, never gets lost, and never fades

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