Definition Essay Love

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“Yet it is only love which set us free.” You can't help you love as long as they make you happy and treat you right. It shouldn't matter what anyone thinks. I chose the person I love. And not only do I believe that the universe sends us one soulmate but many. Love will find its way to you. Just be patient.

When you were younger you were so naïve that thing called love could be anything to you. From fresh sunny days, clear starry nights, to family, and friends. Anything you could hold a close desire to you could love. I never knew the true meaning of love. I only knew the friendship or family love. Not the whole aspect of it. I never knew that it could be so much more until I started to grow as a person.

Elementary was the time where boys
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Why? Maybe because I was in love with the idea of live. When you're in love with the idea of love it sucks because you're in the relationship for the benefits and you tend to take that person for granted. Now the urges were at an all time, and it was more sex came into play. Not love but only lust. People started to have meaningless sex. Meaningless sex is all lie most of the time. Sometimes a boy might lie and say he loves a girl just to get into her pants. Then the girl ends up hurt, mad, and embarrassed. But it's called making love, it's an intimate moment shared between two people who care deeply for on another and who love each other unconditionally. So why hurt a girl that loves you? High school is all about labels, but people tend to run from that big label of love be ash they're scared. They're scared of the feelings they're having and tend to push them away. I believe non of us on high school are ready to actually to experience the whole concept of love. But yet jump into something that is to big for us and to feel a rush. We’re too young we need to enjoy little things in life instead of worrying about someone else. Most relationships in high school don't work out because they trying don't love each

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