College Essays: Why I Decided To Go To College

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ES 1 Why I decided to go to college: I come from a low middle class, country living, used car driving in the forest of Pennsylvania family. I have five sisters and no brothers, three older and two younger, I was still the best looking. My oldest sister Cheryl went to college, the next oldest Becky, did Dental Assistant School an my older sister by a year Charlotte I’m not sure cause I went off to become a Marine. I didn’t have any plans to go to college, I basically blew off the 7th – 10th grade, doing the bare minimum just enough to get by. I tried to do some college while I was in the Military but due to unforeseen medical condition, which made me physically unable to pursuit it. I ended up retiring from the Marines and moved my remaining family members back to my wonderful hometown that I grew up in.
For the first five months I had to hear multiple prospective employers explain to me how wonderful my resume was, how I would be a great asset for their company, unfortunately I didn’t have a degree therefore they couldn’t higher me. I had 24 years’ experience in the Petroleum Fuels Field, led hundreds of workers, held multiple positions within the field, and not even qualified to get a
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My Family is supportive of my decision to pursue a degree, or if I decide to give my remaining benefits to my son (William). I personal think it would be a better return on the investment by letting him get his degree, it will advance his opportunities and abilities enormously. He is a very good son who is a lot smarter than me, displays mad skills on the computer and wants to become a massage therapist like his older sister Heidi. The overall message I would like to express is a college degree is required to land a job that actually gives you the ability set you self-up for life so you can be happier on your journey to

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