Characteristics Of Professionalism In Nursing

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When one attends nursing school, nursing will not be their job or their career, it will be their profession. Even though a nurse might not be wearing scrubs or working in a hospital at that moment, a nurse is always a nurse. Two of the key elements in nursing are professionalism and patient-family-centered care. These two concepts not only show that nursing is a profession and that a nurse is always a nurse, on or off of the clock; furthermore, it shows the characteristics of all nurses to be professional yet empathetic, stern yet caring. Nurses do not follow the rules of professionalism and patient-family-centered care, they define the rules. Nurses define the rules of professionalism by how they present themselves, however there needs to …show more content…
However, in my professional development, professionalism and patient-family-centered care will be a major part in working as a nurse. I can work on the professionalism concept now, by taking the skills of professionalism and apply them to my school work, the way I will be perceived by others, and in my work ethic. This is an acquired trait, thus the earlier I start, the abundance of knowledge, leadership, ethical qualities and other skills I will gain. Patient-family-centered care is something I can practice now when I work, specifically, and also in day-to-day interactions. For example, talking to a particular person is the greatest need I can accomplish at this moment, therefore I will address her by her name, establish eye contact, and have a pleasant conversation with her. As I mentioned above, professionalism is a skill that develops over time to be proficient at in all of the areas. I will attempt to learn as much as I can and present myself in a professional manner when I can. The leadership skill is a task that I will work on to excel at, although I believe I can become a leader when I have the appropriate knowledge and confidence. With patient-family-centered care, I can use what I learn from communication and cultural differences and apply them to my daily interactions with patients to create an individualized situation, a patient with a name, not a disease on a clipboard, and I will be sure that the patients feel

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