This commercial contains a lot of logos due to the responsibility the main character possesses. The main character in the commercial has the image of an “American Hero” since he doesn’t drink and drive and always returns home to his loved ones. He also is shown as a responsible adult since he always returns the puppy to his rightful place after it escapes. Since the commercial has this view on the main character, the viewers idealize this man because he drinks Budweiser but also makes smart decisions as a responsible adult. With the dog in the picture, it also shows the audience a whole different type of responsibility. This responsibility that the man possesses shows that he is responsible for others around him and makes dog owners understand this because of the constant care and attention that they need on a daily basis. If he can be responsible for his dogs, he must be responsible for himself and everything else around him within his life. By portraying the main character in such a high manor, it gets the audience to reflect on their own questionable behaviors that they may or may not have. This commercial tries to get the people to buy their product as well as reflect on their own lives. Another key piece to this commercial would have to be how they portray the characters life. The man is living the “American Dream,” literally. He is a young handsome man in his mid to …show more content…
This use of emotional connection helps convince the audience that their product it the best one out there. They draw their audience to the TV screen by using the Clydesdale horses and the Labrador puppies. In this specific Budweiser commercial, they combine visuals as well as audio to create the emotions in the people to help connect them to the commercial. The first major visual that has people’s emotions going crazy is when the horse nudges the puppy with its nose showing the audience that they are friends. The owner then comes in and picks the puppy up which then draws the audience in even more since the puppies head is on the mans shoulder looking straight into the audiences eyes. At this part of the commercial the puppy becomes the center of attention in the audiences mind because it reminds them of their own pets in their homes. With the puppy reminding the audience of their own pets, it establishes pathos because they are relating to events that occur in their lives. Emotions in the audience come from when they see the puppy, when thee mood of the music changes in the background, and when the dog is showing different expressions and body language. In the beginning of the commercial the music starts out cheerful because the dog is running around befriending the horse. Towards the middle, the music gets sad, the puppy starts to whine and it is