Reflection: Coming Into My Writing Class

Improved Essays
Coming into English 101, I really did not know what to expect. This was my first college writing class so I had no idea what it was going to be like. In high school I would have considered myself to be a decent writer, not the best or not the worst. I would never impress anyone with my writing skills but I could still come across as educated on my topic. I had passed the AP English exam my senior year which gave me more confidence heading into college but I knew that college would be a whole different ball game. Coming into this class, my goal was to become a better writer. I knew that where ever my career may take me, I would need to know how to write well. There were a few specific things that I had in mind when coming into this class that I wanted to improve at. First was my word choice. My word choice before this class had been extremely basic and simple. Another thing that I needed to work on was being able to convey my message on paper. I typically had very good ideas but when I go to put them down on paper they could not seem to come out the way I want them too. My biggest thing coming into this class was trying to work on my …show more content…
I chose to examine a Bud Light Super Bowl commercial that was aired in 2011. When I started the assignment I thought that there was not much more than met the eye when it came to the meaning of the commercial. Once again I thought that I was going to struggle to get to the required page length. I used what we talked about in class like the rhetorical situation and audience to examine the commercial instead of just watching it without a purpose. Looking at the advertisement through this different lens, I could see how everything that Bud Light did in the commercial from product placement to the setting of the ad all was done for a specific purpose. Once I figured that out, I was able to easily write the required amount while receiving another good grade on my

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