I really appreciated the feedback I would receive from my drafts from Professor Hedge. The draft feedback was always helpful and it guided me in the right direction on what she was looking for in the assignments. Peer workshops sometimes did benefit me but it depended on who my partner was and their interest in my essay. When I was partners with someone who was interest in what I had to say in my essay it helped. I noticed that majority of the time feedback I would receive from my classmates often times was similar to the feedback I would get back from my professor. This proved that the mistakes I made were affecting how my audience reads my writing and I realized I needed to make changes. Although sometimes I wouldn’t change everything that was suggested, I would still take all the feedback I received in consideration when …show more content…
By the time I went to record my podcast I felt like I had so much to day because of all the research I had done within the past several weeks. The essay that prepared me the most for this assignment would have to be the annotated bibliography The reason I feel this was the case is because of all the research that went into making this essay. I spent so much time reading different essays about other people who share the same view as me and this helped me think of topic to discuss in my podcast. When I starting making my podcast I knew I wanted it to be very informal, almost like the audience was listening in on a conversation. I didn’t put a lot of music like I originally wanted to, but I knew it wouldn’t have flowed well with the structure of my podcast. I tried my hardest to keep my topics in order based on the script I had made previous, but I realized it was lot harder than I thought. I feel this was an issue because I had a guest in my podcast and it was hard to judge how long we would discuss each topic. But thankfully I had a wonderful guest who was able to open up and give great feedback to the questions I asked him regarding my topic. I was really happy with the way my podcast turned out and I wouldn’t be opposed to doing another one in the future. The only thing I did find difficult was finding an audience. This was a struggle because I