Background checks are a good thing but it does not really prevent people from committing crime with the use of a gun. Even if the government expanded background checks to private sales of firearms criminals will still find a way to get a hold of a gun. For example, a survey done in a state prison with inmates that committed crime with a gun showed that 80% bought the gun from a private sale which includes a black market, another 10% stole the gun while the remaining 10% bought the gun legally from a licensed dealer (Mantel). As the study shows if a criminal has their mind set to commit a crime they will find a way of obtaining a gun. For example, Adam Lanza who was responsible for the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, he got the guns from his mother who had legally bought them and passed a background check. As NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said after the shooting at the Navy Yard where Aaron Alexis killed 12 people before being killed by the police, “The problem is there weren’t enough good guys with guns. When the good guys got there it stopped” (Lemons) If the U.S government would allow military personal to carry guns while at base the shooting could have been stooped earlier and all 12 casualties could have been …show more content…
Some of those factors are how it will affect the Second Amendment. That the controversy is not just about guns or the constitution but also a cultural debate of what it represents to the people (Blocher). Also, stricter gun control will not guarantee that it will bring crime by guns to an end, criminals will always find a way to get a gun. Stricter gun control laws would affect each states gun legislation. The government must also represent the will of the people, and as a survey by the Pew Research Center showed that 52% of Americans state that it is more important to protect gun rights than gun control ( In a First). We must keep in mind that guns themselves are not directly the problem and that we must stop blaming them directly. It is the people that have the gun in possession that use the gun in an irresponsible way that cause all the chaos and suffering that has