Gun control laws give too much power to the government. The second Amendment is not there for duck hunting or small game. Its there to protect the citizens from the government, criminals and foreign invaders. The founding fathers didn't want the future citizens to be under the tyranny like they did. Background checks are a direct invasion of privacy because it requires the government to keep a file of what guns you buy,your address, and other stuff. Microstamping is another invasion of privacy because it requires the government to put a code on the cartridges to keep track of it. There was bill in congress that would allow the government to keep a database on gun purchase. Since it infringes on the people's right to exercise without government surveillance it failed
Gun control laws give too much power to the government. The second Amendment is not there for duck hunting or small game. Its there to protect the citizens from the government, criminals and foreign invaders. The founding fathers didn't want the future citizens to be under the tyranny like they did. Background checks are a direct invasion of privacy because it requires the government to keep a file of what guns you buy,your address, and other stuff. Microstamping is another invasion of privacy because it requires the government to put a code on the cartridges to keep track of it. There was bill in congress that would allow the government to keep a database on gun purchase. Since it infringes on the people's right to exercise without government surveillance it failed