A little less than a year after the Virginia Tech shooting President George W. Bush signed the NICS Improvement Amendments Act, made laws more strict for states to report mental health records to federal databases for weapon purchase. An example of the positives of background checks Virginia's change in law, “During the first three years after Virginia began submitting certain mental health information to NICS, Virginia’s disqualifying mental health records resulted in 438 denials of firearm purchases” (“Mental Health Reporting”). That is 438 possible scenarios where a mentally ill individual could have opened fire on themselves, a child, a teacher, a family member, a friend, or other …show more content…
Many of those who want to commit suicide or kill other people, do not want other people to stop them from completing the act, so telling a trained professional might be rare. There can be subliminal messages and cues that may predict, but the symptoms of being a gun owner, being angry, paranoid, are common and don’t directly correlate to wanting to commit violent acts (Metzl 243). In the article, “The Case Against Gun Control” by Dave Kopel there is an explanation of why gun control should not be more strict:
Gun control is based on the faulty notion that ordinary American citizens are too clumsy and ill-tempered to be trusted with weapons. Only through the blatant abrogation of explicit constitutional rights is gun control even possible. It must be enforced with such violations or individual rights as intrusive search and seizure. It most severely victimizes those who most need weapons for self-defense, such as blacks and