Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Many clinics offer abortions to a range of crowds, those include unplanned pregnancies from having unsafe sex to the mother having a terminal illness and not wanting to pass it on to her child. In the United States abortion should only be legal in cases of rape, terminal illness in the mother or baby, and birth defects. According to US National Library of Medicine, in victims aged 12 to 45, the national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5%, of those pregnancies 50% had an abortion. Of all pregnancies that the child has a birth defect, 6% end in abortions. In cases of pregnancies where the mom has a terminal illness they normally don’t have the opportunity to abort their babies. According to the CDC, an estimated 32,101 pregnancies are from women …show more content…
This can result in financial issues and family problems. Bringing a baby into the mix can be detrimental to the family’s mental and/or emotional health. Terminal illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, trisomy 18 and 13, and Huntington’s disease all end in death from ages 1-30. As a female who knows she is a carrier for one of these terminal illnesses, getting pregnant could make them hate themselves, knowing that their kid might not make it to age 30. They won’t be able to meet their grandbabies, they won’t make it to their child’s high school graduation, with abortion legal for mothers who have a genetic terminal illness, it relieves the stress from the matter. Terminal illnesses that are not necessarily genetic include cancer, cystic fibrosis, and even problems with the placenta. With abortion legal, these women don’t necessarily have to worry about their kids wondering what happened to …show more content…
At Walmart a 12 count pack of “Trojan Pleasure Pack Lubricated Condoms” costs $7.47, Planned Parenthood gives free birth control, the local Health Department hands out free condoms to anyone who asks, health centers at Universities give out free condoms, there are many opportunities for people to get free contraception. Abortion should be illegal for those couples who fail to use contraception and even those who used contraceptives but not correctly. Couples will lack spending $7.47 on a box of condoms, but are then stuck with spending medical bills and if they decide to go through with an abortion, they have many methods. An abortion pill at the local pharmacy can cost anywhere from $35 to $60, an abortion during the first trimester can cost up to $490, a second trimester abortion can cost up to $2,000. So couples who avoid spending $8 can end up spending a lot more, due to carelessness. There are different types of abortion, medical abortion is the non-surgical way of terminating a pregnancy. The woman takes a medication known as the “abortion pill” which is normally used within the first 9 weeks of a pregnancy, by then the baby’s heart has already started beating and the baby’s brain has conducted electrical activity, so the baby is a human being. From conception to 24 weeks (viability), abortion is totally legal. The abortion pill works simultaneously with another

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