Googles definition of abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Termination means the action of bringing something or coming to an end. In other words, killing an innocent baby. Many believe that the baby 's life begins at conception. “I have learned from my earliest medical education that human life begins at the time of conception…. I submit that human life is present throughout this entire sequence from conception to adulthood and that any interruption at any point throughout this time constitutes a termination of human life.” (Dr. Alfred M. Bongioanni). Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime.Twenty-one percent of all U.S. pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. (AGI). In today’s society, it is never justified to take the life from anyone and let alone someone who committed no wrongdoing, which is another point pro life supporters use. The baby who is inside cannot make any decisions and is being killed for something it can not prevent or help. “There were 415,129 children in foster care on September 30th, 2014, a 4% increase from 2012” ( There are no national statistics on how many people are waiting to adopt, but experts estimate it is somewhere between one and two million couples wanting to adopt a child so there is no such thing as an unwanted child. …show more content…
Abortion may also lead to future medical problems for the mother, not often but the reported rate is 1 out of every 500 abortions. Depending on the severity, perforation can lead to infection, heavy bleeding, or both. Often minors and young women who do not fully know what they are doing are most often the women who choose abortion, about “12% of abortions in the U.S. occurred in teenagers” (Centers Disease Control), which may lead into a lifelong regret.
According to a poll in 2013, fifty-four percent of the American public believes that the practice of abortion should be legal in all or most cases (“Public Opinion on Abortion”). A common statement made by people who are pro-choice believers would be, “It is my body and I have the choice of having this baby or not.” A baby should not come into this world being unwanted. Physical or mental conditions also is a reason why abortions should be legal, they may endanger the woman’s physical health if the pregnancy is continued. Although, “only 12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF) and one out of 8,475 women dies from pregnancy complications” (CDC). What if the lady were raped? No many people would want to keep a child that brings back bad memories or looks just like their rapist, which is another reason some may get an abortion. If a woman got pregnant after a rape, then having an abortion is a way to get rid both of an unwanted baby and the psychological trauma after such a dire experience. Surprisingly, less than 1% of all abortions take place because of rape and/or incest. Some people may not be able to provide for this child, emotionally and