From charting and documenting procedures to helping patients with insurance paperwork. In the article, “What is Written Communication in Business?Definition, Types, & Exmaples” by Ashley D. Manker discusses the advatages and disadvantages of written communication. She says that one of the advantages is “Provides written proof in case of a dispute.” Every piece of paper in the medical field is a legal document and having a hard copy of a document will come in handy when verfying certain things in the workplace. A disadvantage that she mentions is “Lack of Secrecy.…
Many students weren’t introduced to MLA or APA formatting before being admitted into college. Therefore, they must spend extra time…
Exercising My Writing Skills Writing is evolving by the day in the English language, in other words communication is evolving on the daily since writing is our main source of communication. Learning how to write the English language in an academic setting has been one of my greatest accomplishments as a scholar, despite the fact that, I am still learning new skills daily on how to improve my writing. Even though, I am not the best the writer, I have gained enough strength in my writing to separate me from the average writer. In other words, the best way to improve on something is by practicing, and that is a lesson writing papers has taught me. One of my greatest skills as a writer in my opinion is being able to expand on a topic.…
Reflective writing as a genre allows for a combination of personal reflection and critical thinking all intertwined into one. I turned my reflection essay into a new reflection that focused on a different level of the education system that would allow for me to reflect on my first semester of college to back up my allegations against the school system. When attempting to revise my essay in a new way I reread my old one and found an interesting theme screaming out of the paper. It was saying, “high school and Regents did not prepare me for college.” I took the idea a little further and expanded it to the SAT, that is a similar testing style to Regents, that similarly did not prepare me for college, and through research I found that income status…
Learning to write When I attended elementary school, part of the curriculum was penmanship. There was a certain segment of instruction dedicated to penmanship rather than writing. We were given large sheets of oat colored paper with three parallel lines widely spaced. The alphabets were used to print and write in cursive using the midpoint, and upper lines for capital letters. The handwriting grades were based on neatness and readability.…
One of the most important thing I have learned in this course that has positively affected my confidence in my writing skills is the concept of writing a “shitty first draft”. In my midterm self-assessment, I discussed how I thought I was among one of the unlucky ones that was not blessed with natural writing skills. However, through class discussions, I’ve learned that one of the most important competent of professional writing is the need for constant revision. Contrary to popular believe, writing does not come easy to anyone. In order to successfully produce professional writing, it is important that one plan, draft, revise, and edit his or her work.…
APA style of writing has been a huge part of my college career. Although this particular writing technique can be challenging at times, I believe my APA writing skills have become more developed as I have been required to utilize them more in each class. APA adds consistency and clarity in any writing by taking the emphasis off of how information is presented and focuses on the information itself. In the beginning, when I was learning the ins and outs APA, I was thoroughly confused in every way.…
I had no idea what APA format was or how to cite properly. However, the APA citations links that my professor provided were very useful and helped me be successful with the rest of my essays. The videos guided me step by step and were very simple to understand other different type of formats such as MLA, and Chicago. Another resource that was very helpful, were the online class discussions. Online discussions not only helped me interact with my classmates, but helped me broaden my knowledge about the material.…
Reflective Statement Before the interactive oral on the impact of translations in the understanding of novels, I never regarded the influence of a translation on my understanding. While reading The Stranger, I knew the book had been translated from French, but disregarded that the translation might lead to alterations of words or ideas based on the style of the translation. With books originally written in one’s own language, it becomes easier to derive meaning closer to the author’s intentions as meaning through translating the language. However, after the Interactive Oral, I have a greater awareness of such aspects.…
The Final Test I passed the final test, but they didn’t. It all started with my class, called the “9ers”. We were the first class to ever have their whole grade graduate on the same day. We were the smartest of them all, is what the counselor told us. All we had to do was pass the final test to figure out who were leaving to go to the new community.…
To me, writing is just ok, nothing special. It definitely isn’t something I get excited about. My first formal writing class was in 6th grade, where we followed The Institute for Excellence in Writing’s curriculum. My fellow classmates and I mainly wrote short, 1-3 paragraph reports on various historical topics. I did well in these classes, I just never really enjoyed the process of writing.…
Throughout this semester of English 101, writing has become more of a skill than a struggle. Writing was a challenge that I dreaded when I chose to be in the course, nonetheless with time, I learned from my mistakes and was able to improve. This course made me very doubtful on whether I could be capable of even writing a paper that would provide me with a decent grade, but at the same time made me push myself in my writing technique. In the end, I can reflect that I learned from my mistakes and wrote papers that took time and dedication to accomplish. I learned from this class to be confident in my writing and make all the mistakes to receive the grade I want in the end.…
At the beginning of this English course, I was so nervous and scared that I would fail. I do not think I have ever been a good writer. It has always terrified me because I have difficulty putting my thoughts down on paper. This course has proven to be highly inspiring to me as well as frightening. It has really taught me more about the understanding of the writing process and structure, in which helped me to not focus so much on the actual writing parts.…
The writing process is different and unique to all individuals; many people follow the ideal steps of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing as opposed to others taking shortcuts, skipping steps, and going straight to editing. The writing process is the course one takes to get from prewriting to the publication of their essay; since everyone is a different, their writing process will also be different. For me, I believe that following the ideal writing process steps are a tremendous help to organizing my essay and spacing out the work throughout the time the assignment is assigned. To begin writing an essay I must first prewrite; to prewrite is to brainstorm ideas from the prompt by outlining, diagramming, clusterings, or…
When I was young I was never the best at reading even though my parents owned many books and magazines that they read on a daily basis. My mother enjoyed reading her gossip magazines that she would receive in the mail once a month and my father had a whole bookshelf full of history books. My parents would always encourage me to read the books I would check out at the school library to improve my reading and writing but that advice usually went in through one ear and out the other. The only books I would really attempt to read had to be humorous or horrifying, my favorites were the Goosebumps collection. I loved reading these books alone in my room where I couldn’t be sidetracked by all the commotion that went on in my house.…