Xylophones are a member of the percussion family of musical instruments. Percussion instruments are any instruments that are struck, hammered, rubbed or stroked. Xylophone players use soft mallets, usually made of felt or yarn, to hit the wooden bars and create sound. Many percussionists play with two mallets; however, it is possible to play chords by keeping more than one mallet in each hand. Bars The xylophone consists of anywhere from seven to 50 wooden bars that are struck with mallets to create sound. Xylophone bars are made from rosewood and give the xylophone a delicate, wooden sound. The longer bars produce a lower pitched sound while the higher pitched sounds consist of lower bars. A percussionist is able to identify the pitches…
The marimba, a popular percussion instrument, has not only a rich sound, but a rich history. The instrument, which has a name that means “wood sounder” in African languages and “the goddess” in Guatemalan creates it’s sound with wooden bars and metal resonators. The first idea for marimbas came from Africa.“The xylophone was taken to Latin America by African slaves…”(“Marimba”, Encyclopedia Britannica) Calabashes, or a type of gourd, were replaced in Latin America by resonators made of metal.…
Instrument- .Glass bottle xylophone My experiment is about making a Glass bottle xylophone that plays six notes What is sound and how does it travel? Sound is a sort of energy made by vibrations (Jane. E, 2016). When any object vibrates, it causes movement in the air particles (Jane. E, 2016). These particles bump into the particles close to them, which makes them vibrate too causing them to bump into more air particles (Jane. E, 2016). This movement, called sound waves, keeps going until they…
playing were young adults from the cuesta music program. The band’s name was the sharks there was three men and one woman in the group, the woman was the lead singer, and the three men’s instruments were a bass guitar,xylophone, and a guitar. Linnaea’s is a very small cafe, and the jazz room was full, so i was sitting in the back and it was hard to hear what songs they said they were playing, but still noticed some great jazz songs that they played. I was very pleased on the first song…
Democratic Republic of the Congo, located near the center of Africa, holds an abundance of influence to traditional African music. Over half of the people who live in the Democratic Republic of the Congo live below the poverty line, and most of the children do not attend school as long as a child in the United States would. Most people grow up to be farmers or hold a labor intense job. This lifestyle is nothing new for these civilians and has helped build the history and culture of the…
middle school. The tone color for me is blue. The flute can be high pitch as a singing bird to low pitch as a frog. The strings were my favorite when I could hear the harp, violins, and cellos. The reason of the strings being my preferred is solely based on the harp. The harp is my all-time beloved instrument as it has such a melody and does not need help from others. Sweet sounding and calming effects of the harp compared to the bombing basses create a harmony that even the most diverse…
While it might seem that they bass is using accelerando to increase the tempo, he is infact just playing playing 8 beats per measure instead of 4. The cymbals are barely noticeable in the background as it’s playing in pianissimo. 1.00: When the word “dream” is sung, a trumpet (aerophone) plays a short 5 note melody. Similarly to the xylophone (metallophone) in the first verse, the trumpet plays after every line of the verse. But unlike the xylophone. The trumpet plays a different melody each…
in in St. Petersburg, Russian on September 25, 1906, and died in Moscow on August 9, 1975. He wrote this cello concerto no. 2 Op. 126 in the spring of 1966, specifically for Mstislav Rostropovich who was a celebrated cellist and a dear friend. The state Academy Symphony Orchestra of the USSR gave the performance on September 25, 1966 to celebrate Shostakovich’s sixtieth birthday. It was recorded live in the Large Hall of Moscow State Conservatory. The orchestra consists of flutes, piccolo,…
Miles Davis does a wonderful job at capturing the true essence of jazz in his album Bags’ Groove. This album consists of seven great songs. The first song is “Bags’ Groove (Take 1)”. It is eleven minutes and sixteen seconds long. This song starts off like a traditional jazz tone. The trumpet is leading the group with a solo. This last until the xylophone starts its solo at three minutes and thirty-seven seconds. This solo is then concluded at six minutes and fifty seconds when the piano solo…
strings consists of, in descending order of pitch: violins, violas, cellos, basses and harps. These instruments have strings that must be plucked with the fingers or with a bow. The woodwinds consists of instruments that must be blown into to play, often with the aid of a double or single reed. These instruments include the flute, the oboe, the English horn, the bassoon, the clarinet. The brass section consists of instruments whose sound is traditionally made by buzzing into a mouthpiece. This…