“60 million euros! Going once, going twice, sold!” Mr.König yield. “Mr. Kreal is now the owner of Young Man As Bacchus by Jan Franse Verzijl!” Mr.Kreal stood up as he shook hands with Mr. König, the German government representative. “I would like to say something before I go home with this beautiful piece of art,” Mr. Kreal declared to Mr. Konig. Before turning to the audience, Mr.Kreal nodded at his bodyguards and they immediately began carefully wrapping the expensive painting with foam sheet.. “I would like to thank every one,” Mr.Kreal kept his eyes on Mr.Steerforth as he spoke, “For their financial support and their help in convincing me that this amazing piece of art is worth spending the money I earned with hard work.” Mr.Steerforth whispered to his bodyguards as he grinded his teeth with anger “Go and call Mr.solomon, I think it's time to fix this once and for all. If he ask, tell him is Steerforth. As the bodyguards walked silently out of the auction room, Mr.Kreal walked over to Mr.Steerforth and said in a sarcastic voice “Steerforth, please do join me at my house for a house party to celebrate my success with the auction. I would hate to have you miss it.” “Don’t worry Kreal, I will clear my calendar so I can go,” Mr.steerforth sneered, “but would you please let me bring my friend. He loves Jewish art and he would hate to miss the chance to see it.” “Sure,” Mr.Kreal said as Mr.Steerforth body guards headed towards them, “Anything for you.” The bodyguards said…
largest corporation in America. It was doing good till Dunlap join Sunbeam. Around 1996, Albert Dunlap was hired as the CEO of Sunbeam. The company hire him with the vision to increase the value of Sunbeam because the profits were declining for several years. He have a reputation of giving high profits for companies With the help of a partner of Arthur Anderson, Albert committed a huge accounting fraud as the CEO of Sunbeam. Because Arthur Anderson was auditing the Sunbeam Corporation. With him…
beloved font. At the time, Caslon (its predecessor), was still in heavy favor and was used to set the famous Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Caslon fans were fierce proponents of the English old-style. Yet, John Baskerville decided the typeface needed an update and type into the neoclassical age. He redesigned the letters by making the hairlines thin, adding generous thick strokes, sharpening the serifs and creating a vertical axis. All of these factors helped increase…