Introduction The United States Department of Transportation is a cabinet level agency of the federal government responsible for planning and coordination of federal transportation projects. This simply means it is responsible for helping maintain and develop the nation’s transportation systems and infrastructure. The department also plays a key role by providing funding to state and local authorities each year to help improve transportation programs throughout the country. It is also mandated with the responsibility of setting regulations for all major modes of transportation. History It was in October 15 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the “Department of Transportation Act” creating a new cabinet agency with five operating…
Pennsylvania. George W. Bush was the President of the United States at the time and knew there needed to be a change in security. The Department of Homeland Security was established on November 25, 2002 after George W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Act of 2002 which created a federal department in the U.S that oversees security on the ground and in the air. The Department of Homeland security is a crucial part of America’s…
The Department of Defense (DoD) plays a significant role in homeland security despite not being a part of the Department of Homeland Security. The DoD’s role is to protect the critical infrastructure of the United States and its domestic population (U.S. Department of Defense, 2003). An example of this would be the DoD’s role in incepting a terrorist-hijacked aircraft over American soil (Verga, 2007). Further the National Guard can be employed by the state of which the agency falls under at…
Fire Departments across the nation occupy a precarious financial position; their budgets rise and fall as the local tax base expands or contracts. At the same time, local citizens demand, at a minimum, that the fire department provide the same level of service from year to year. Not only does this stress day-to-day operations, it also makes it nearly impossible to meet regulatory requirements or forecast long term capital purchases. Executive Fire Officers are forced to find creative solutions…
When the planned terror attack of September 11, 2001 occurred, the United States was not prepared for the emotional devastation or destruction that attack would have on so many people. The damage it created cost the United States billions of dollars in damage repair, relief aid, and debris cleanup after the incident occurred. The fact of the matter is the United States was unprepared and thus, this paper will discuss and analyze the response between the World Trade Center attack, as well as…
Centralized Nuclear Waste Storage Introduction Approximately twenty percent of the electric power in America is generated through a nuclear reaction, and as a result of the production, high-level nuclear waste is created. Imperatively, the nation must find a way on how to store its nuclear waste. Yucca Mountain in the state of Nevada was identified by the Department of Energy and subsequently approved by both the Congressional and the Executive branches of government as a repository site for…
becoming a scarier place to live in. Our military needs to grow to keep citizens safe, restore peace, and protect allies. So why wouldn’t we increase military spending, what good would come of that except not spending as much, but at what cost? Our safety? The rest of the world is growing in technology and ways to harm the US. We need to be at the top of this chain, and military spending cutbacks will only set us back further. There are many threats that face the united states each day and…
Cost-Conscious Culture United States national security professionals must balance the ability to counter strategic threats with the appropriate force structure and capabilities. By FY 2018, according to OMB projections, “the federal government will be spending more on net interest payments than on national defense for the first time in modern history.” The current trends indicate a more fiscally constrained future, forcing the balance be achieved through a cost-conscious culture. It will be…
Introduction The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as “limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.”1 Nearly 12% of people living in Virginia are considered food insecure, and these rates are even higher in the southeastern portion of the state. The cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth have food insecurity rates close to 19%.2 Many of these…
plagues the United States due to dilemmas surrounding its handling. A scientific consensus shows that the best way to get rid of nuclear waste is through geological disposal, however, this method creates several barriers. Geological disposal includes storing nuclear waste in an underground repository site in hopes of it being contained without the need of surveillance for thousands of years. Due to the fact that nuclear waste contains high levels of radioactivity, the search for a repository…