now the two of you are inseparable. I have always admired and envied your bond and yearned for the same between Clytemnestra and I and now I am even more alone than ever. Did the King of the Heavens know of the events he’d set off, I wonder? Zeus seduced our Queen Mother, Leda, in the guise of a swan before her union with our mortal father, Tyndareus and so the four of us were conceived, by two fathers, hatched from two eggs. Polydeuces, you and I shared divine blood and you, Castor, and…
is Menelaus’s brother and the commander of the Greek army. For nearly a decade the Greeks lay siege to Troy until the city falls and the war ends. On Agamemnon’s voyage home, he is killed by Clytemnestra and her paramour. The Trojan War closes the antediluvian mythological (mythikón) epoch, inaugurating the modern (historikón) period. Although the storyline is murky , surviving texts do outline the encounter as firstly rape, and secondly a divine connection. The juxtaposition of brutality…
In the island of Ithaca, a mighty hero was brought up to the Greek world by Laertes and Anticlea. His parents named him Odysseus. As the years had gone by, Odysseus had shown much development in his leadership skills and intelligence. Laertes, king of Ithaca, had grown to be proud of his son so he passed down his regiment to Odysseus once he reached adulthood. Hearing a conflict between the suitors of Helen dismantle, Odysseus vowed to create a solution towards the marriage conflict for king…
Christina Pham Lea Clarkson Humanities DC - Block 1 8 October 2015 Greek Mythology Both, Castor and Pollux were seen as great horsemen, however Castor was most noted with this quality. Pollux, in addition to being a great horsemen, was a known as a renowned fighter and boxer. In addition to each other, they had siblings: Helen of Troy, who was the war fought over, and Clytemnestra, who was involved in the electra complex. The parent(s) is Leda and Tyndareus, who were the king and queen of Sparta…
the Trojan War, Helen of Troy was the most alluring female in all of Greece. Zeus is the father of Helen, and her mother thought to be either Nemesis or Leda since there are many different versions of the story. In addition, Helen might be the sister of the Dioscuri (the mortals Polydeuces and Castor) because they share the same father, but it is unexplained if they share the same mother. However, the Dioscuri seems to possibly have a different father, Leda’s earthly confidant, Tyndareus, who…
sacrifice strangers to Artemis. The priestess of Artemis, Orestes' sister Iphigenia performs the sacrifices. She offered to help one of them escape, if they deliver a letter to her brother in Greece. Orestes refused, so Pylades could escape while he stayed to be sacrificed. The letter brought recognition between brother and sister, and all three escaped with the statue of Artemis. Once, he returned to Greece, Orestes inherited his father's kingdom, adding Argos and Lacedamon. Later, he married…
generations with manuscript and stories about the history of human sexuality, and how many desires, arousals, and behaviors are expressive at that particular time in history. For this reason, I anticipate myself owning a piece of erotic art at my home. A piece I would envision myself owning would be "Leda and the Swan." This particular piece was the most striking and appealing of the whole erotic art collection. The artistic piece is a motif from Greek mythology, in which Zeus came to Leda in…
Early in the story, Paris is told to pick the “fairest” of all goddesses. To bribe Paris, each goddess offers him something. Paris is described as woman crazed, so he chooses Aphrodite’s offer of the most beautiful woman in all the land, Helen. However, Aphrodite’s forgets to mention that Helen is already married to the King of Sparta. Helen is famous for her beauty, and has many suitors that would also like to have her. Helens father, Tyndareus made all the suitors promise that they would…
of erotic art from different cultures such as from the Greeks, the Chinese and the Hindus. Yet, not only does the museum illustrate the history of erotic art, but it also exhibits many other artifacts that are related to some of the topics that we have discussed in class since the beginning of the semester. For example, one of the first paintings that I thought was really interesting during my visit to the museum, was the painting of Leda and the Swan, because I felt that this painting reflected…
is rare for mythology and astronomy to agree. Gemini significantly shows a well measure of yin and yang, for those under this sign have a sort of balance about them. It is said that those born under the Gemini, are rather intellectual when it comes to finding out just what they want to know. Instead of going the route of what they are forced to taught, they tend to be more determined and pushed when they search their own knowledge. Thankfully the Gemini zodiac is one of the most wildly known…