He was well known for tying his messages to historical events. The Book of Jeremiah starts off with the Prophet’s divine call. Yahweh told Jeremiah, that before he was formed in his mother’s womb, He ordained Him a Prophet to the nation (Jeremiah 1:5). Jeremiah’s ministry began during the reign of King Josiah (the last good king of Judah), and he prophesied during the reign of Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. His three main focuses were on idolatry, social injustice, and religious ritualism; which he stresses these points to the people of Judah for breaking the covenant (Hays, 2010, p. 146). The Book of Jeremiah reveals Jeremiah’s inner struggles with being a Prophet (Radmacher, Allen & House, 2007, p. 1145). This book provides more insight into the Prophet himself, than any other prophetic book. Some scholars label him as the “weeping prophet” (Hays, 2010, p. 147). There were times that Jeremiah’s life was in danger, and the priest, the prophets, and the people seized Jeremiah with intention of killing him. He was rescued by some elders that were not from Jerusalem coming to his defense (Hays, 2010, pp. 169-170). Jeremiah was very straightforward…
Jeremiah was a priest by birth; he was from priestly household of Hilkiah at Anathoth (Jer. 1:1 NKJV). The meaning of his name was uncertain, it may mean “may Yahweh lift up”, “throw”, or “establish” (Bible Dictionary, 2003: 882). He was ordained by God to be a prophet before his birth (v.5 NKJV), he was humanly reluctant but he was divinely empowered by God (vv.8, 9 NKJV) and commissioned to predict destruction and restoration (v. 10 NKJV) (Believer’s Bible Commentary, 1985:999). Even though he…
Nebuchadnezzar unsuccessfully attempted to invade Egypt and was repulsed with heavy losses. This failure led to numerous rebellions among the states which owed allegiance to Babylon, including Jerusalem, where king Jehoiakim stopped paying tribute to Nebuchadnezzar and took a pro-Egyptian position. In either the month of November or December, Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem, due to Jehoiakim’s failure to pay tribute. Jehoiakim died sometime during the siege, most likely in the months of…
remember that at this time Judah and Israel were two separate kingdoms due to the fact king Solomon and his son. Because of the exile there are many consequences which this essay will now go into in further dept. This essay will also carry out further reasons for the extent of the Babylonian Exile. One of the main and major consequences from the Babylonian Exile is deportation from both Judah and Israel. This was not the first time being deported for many of the Jewish people in Judah.…
Jeremiah, who was prophesizing to the elite of Judah in Jerusalem, was unique in the way he tells Zedekiah to handle the imposing Babylonian threat. His message was to accept the takeover and eventual exile, lest they be killed. He urges Zedekiah to not form a rebellion against Babylon so that they may still live (Jer. 27:12-14). The portrayal of Nebuchadnezzar is that of a servant of YHWH; carrying out divine wrath against Judah for their above-mentioned transgressions (Jer. 27:6-8).…
The second item to notice about Micaiah is his responsibility (22:10-14). This is where the story turns into a fiasco. While Ahab and Jehoshaphat wait for Micaiah to arrive, they sit upon their thrones by the gate in Samaria. All four-hundred prophets are prophesying before them (22:10). You can just imagine how hectic it would be to hear four-hundred different people speaking at the same time. Amid this crazy scene, a man named Zedekiah spoke up and made horns of iron for himself. These horns…
can probably imagine Ahab is upset by this saying. He affirms his suspicion that Micaiah always speaks evil about him (22:18). Micaiah, however, does not stop speaking when he sees Ahab get frustrated and issues his first response in this section. Instead, he describes a vision he saw of the Lord asking how to best deceive Ahab and send him to his death (22:19-21). A lying spirit comes forward and the Lord says he will accomplish this goal (22:22). Micaiah waxes bold and says that the…
how they needed to turn towards God in hopes things would improve. He loved his people so much that Jeremiah is sometimes called the weeping prophet because he knew about their fast approaching doom and the Babylonian Exile and felt sorry for them. Through this he remains faithful to God, strong, courageous, and perseverant. During Jeremiah’s time King Josiah ruled the southern kingdom of Judah. King Josiah was a great king with many great accomplishments including expanding Judah’s…
Kangaroo Rat By: Mario-Zedekiah T. Rodriguez (Woo, okay as you heard I have to make a quick whip up of something so here you go.) You probably don’t know much about the kangaroo rat, I didn’t either until I was forc-determined to write all about the kangaroo rat. You still know nothing but that is why I am here. So starting off I will talk about how interesting the diet of a kangaroo rat is because I have no more original ideas. THen you can read if you want the home, because that is so…
is the best view from Isaiah of the suffering. What is unusual about Jeremiah 's call to be a prophet? He was by God to be a prophet in 626 BC while he was still a child. Many referred to him as the as the "weeping prophet.” He would cry over the message due to the level of judgment. His purpose was to reveal the sins of God 's people and warn of consequences. Initially, Jeremiah resisted God 's call because he was young. However, God blessed him with the gift of being a great speaker. While…