Most Expensive Rifle Scope-Top 3 There are a lot of rifle scopes available. Each of them have unique features that set them apart from all others. Some of them cost an outrageous fortune, but many people say that quality costs. They say if you want a good, very accurate scope, you will spend the most money you can. If you are a person who loves quality, you should check out our list of the most expensive rifle scope available to see if they have the features that you truly want and find out whether they are really worth it to you. Unique Features of Our Top 3 Many of the more expensive scopes are designed to be extremely accurate. That is why many of them, including our most favorite top 3 are only available to the people who live inside of the US. They are backed by ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) and by purchasing you have to agree to the fact that you are an American and that you will not send it to other countries for resale. These more expensive scopes are usually designed well enough to be used by our military and law enforcement officials. They may make use of thermal imaging like the Armasight Zeus 336 or battery-free illumination based on the light that is available at any given moment like the Trijicon TA31-ECOS ACOG. Both of these examples use superior glass lenses to outperform most all other rifle scopes. More expense also means that they are much more accurate than all other scopes, even some of the other expensive ones available. That is…
citizens are allowed to protest peacefully without the police intervening. However that 's not what happened during the Ferguson case. Michael Brown a young African American who was shot by a white police officer on august 9, On November 24, 2014 the jury decided not to bring criminal charges against the officer Darren Wilson. This decision sparked movement not only in Ferguson, but all across the country. In major cities people started protesting (Kiencherf). The police response during the…