Thanks-Giving Square

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    Thanksgiving Business Plan

    • 1368 Words
    • 6 Pages

    national holiday? What was the First Thing the pilgrims did to get ready for a festival? Who Were the Surprise Guests in the new world? The teacher will write down all the answers on a big white paper for the students to see. Independent practice: Once the students understand the main points in the video. Students will work on a short quiz independently after the video. Instruction (input-modeling-check for understanding): Students will continue lesson on thanksgiving. Teacher will begin a whole group discussion and ask students “why do we celebrate thanksgiving?” “Does anyone the story of thanksgiving?” The students will answer briefly. (the pilgrims) or (the Native Americans) The teacher will then show a short clip called “the story of thanks giving”. After the students have finished the video, the teacher will continue the group discussion to refresh their memory of the video The teacher will ask the students Was the First Harvest a Success? Why Did the Pilgrims Want to Celebrate? Who Made Thanksgiving a National Holiday? What was the First Thing the Pilgrims Did to Get Ready for a Harvest Festival? Who Were the Surprise Guests? The teacher will write down their answers of different students on chart paper for all the students to see as a review, After the discussion the students are ready for a pop quiz. Closure (assessment): After the lesson over the story of thanksgiving, I will have the students take a short pop quiz over the video they just watched called “the…

    • 1368 Words
    • 6 Pages
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    from face to face, privately thanking God for each family member. There were smiles everywhere, from my brother's mischievous grin, to my grandmother's heartwarming smile. I looked around the room at the decorations I had helped my mother put up. Pictures of pumpkins, still up from last Halloween, hung next to Christmas wreathes and holly. In the center of the table sat an overflowing cornucopia, stuffed with wheat, grain, and all sorts of fruit of the earth. As I took in all the…

    • 536 Words
    • 3 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    “ We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give ” by Winston Churchill. Giving is what will make you happy. I would like to give three gifts for Christmas. To begin with, I would like to give my Great Grandpa Grogg back to my mom’s side of the family for a month. I would like to get answers to the questions I have and learn more about him. We can talk about his stories as a team physician on the Mahomet Seymour football team. There was the one time when one of the players…

    • 2183 Words
    • 9 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    profitable to make differences in the lives of others. The secret to growth intellectually, physically, socially, spiritually and emotionally is in helping others grow. Mahatma Ghandi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”. An act of kindness, no matter how small it may be, shall never be considered is considered a waste. Therefore, we all must be kinder than necessary because almost everyone we meet is fighting their own kind of battle. Your life…

    • 1035 Words
    • 5 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Nothing Else” and “The Gift of the Magi,” Tellez and O’Henry use symbols to express a deeper significance. Using the fob and combs that Della and Jim both give each other for Christmas, O’Henry demonstrates that love is truly what gift giving is about in “The Gift of the Magi.” The very sharp razor that the barber possesses in “Lather or Nothing Else” represents the choice the barber has to make. Both of these symbols play an extremely important role in the lives of all of the main characters…

    • 878 Words
    • 4 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    Giving always causes me to pause. As an item leaves my hands, or a person leaves my presence, and there is emptiness created that feels pregnant, as if my palms hold a phantom, or the room a ghost. Is giving always a form a losing? But what of these things that give and go on giving? As it leaves your hand, it is already there again to be given once more. It is a gift. This is what my children have taught me. A mother’s love, being imperfect, and intentions, always impure, can never give the…

    • 1663 Words
    • 7 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    For my random act of kindness, I chose to help some individuals with special needs. My father is an Athletic Director and special education teacher at the AGWSR middle school. He has to deal with kids that have special needs in school. I decided that my random act of kindness was to take the Friday of fall break and go to the middle school and help my father with the special needs kids. My father and the students were unaware of the task I was about to perform. That Friday of fall break I went…

    • 349 Words
    • 2 Pages
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  • Improved Essays

    An estimated 1.4 million blood donations are annually assimilated by The Australian Red Cross Blood Service (ARCBS) in Australia alone. ARCBS uses this picture as propaganda to persuade the adult audience to aid hospital patients by donating blood. The message of this ad is that ARCBS is majorly in need of blood contributions and also of money. The significance of this ad is to be able to reveal to the audience the desperate need of blood and money donations The purpose of this image is to…

    • 794 Words
    • 4 Pages
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  • Decent Essays

    Potlatch Research Paper

    • 295 Words
    • 2 Pages

    The Northwest Indian Tribes were bustling about preparing for a potlatch. They were cooking meats, smoke rising out of the baskets in which they cooked. You could hear the, "Cha, cha,cha" of the lusciously dressed dancers practicing. They were all waiting for you to finish their totem pole. What is a potlatch? Potlatches are big ceremonial parties, that took a lot of money, and time to plan. In a potlatch,…

    • 295 Words
    • 2 Pages
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    The practice of making charitable donations is prosaic in American society; accordingly, in this mundane culture, benefactors are frequently motivated for reasons other than their own magnanimity. Illustratively, in my community, a local public broadcasting station fundraises and offers a special, refillable coffee vessel in exchange for a certain sum of donation. This is not unusual, in fact, when acts of charity are requested, organizations often incentivize support. Their goal is to create…

    • 637 Words
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