As one of 24 books of the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, Ecclesiastes is classified as one of the Ketuvim, also known as "Writings". It is also in the canonical Wisdom Books from the Old Testament of the major parts of Christian denominations. It is entitled Ecclesiastes as a result of the Latin transliteration of the Greek translation of the Hebrew Kohelet which means "Gatherer" but traditionally translated as "Teacher" or "Preacher", and its author adopted this pseudonym. There is no denying the fact that Ecclesiastes carries the core value and thought of Christianity and has been followed by countless believers through generations. In addition, praised as ‘the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound’ by American novelist Thomas Wolfe, Ecclesiastes also has exerted a significant influence on Western literature with several phrases in it finding their way into Western cultures and languages.…
There is much love and respect within the church for the book of Psalms. And Tremper Longman III accurately identifies in his Preface that the Psalms are both “familiar” and “foreign” to many people in the church. People in and outside of the church are constantly exposed to the Psalms. It is a common book for devotionals and laments. However, even with people’s daily exposure with the book it has not made the text much clearer in regards to the poetic idioms, expressions, and structures that…
Elmer Towns is a college and seminary professor who wrote a selection of books related to biblical education, such as Bible Answers for All Your Questions. Vernon Whaley works at Liberty University as the Chairman of the Department of Music and Worship Studies. He also wrote a few books related to Christian worship such as Understanding Music and Worship in the Local Church. In Worship Through the Ages: How the Great Awakenings Shape Evangelical Worship, the authors make an analysis of the main…
Knowledge is describe as facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. (Oxford Dictionary pg. 1) God limits the knowledge of his doings a great amount in the Hebrew Bible, but specifically in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, many stories, such as Adam and Eve or Job, reveals how God limits knowledge from his people. The question is, why does God limits knowledge from his people? God is said…
Mikayla Titus THL 217 A Social Justice-Old Testament Word count: Unit 3: The D-History As we continue this rigorous journey of understanding the Old Testament, we come to the Deuteronomic or Deuteronomistic History. The D-History, for short, is the section of the bible that focuses on the history of Israel entering the promise land until the exile and shows the exile was caused by the unfaithfulness towards what was laid out in the book of Deuteronomy (“Meta”). Unit Three focuses on five main…
This research paper will allow you to see how the testimonies and history will reveal God’s Sovereignty, restoration, and his assurance to the people of Israel and us today thought out the book of Daniel and his prophecies. Daniel ‘name means ‘God is my Judge. For instance, in Chapters 1, vs 17. The early prophecies in Daniel life. Chapters 2., 4, 5. The Prophetic Book will reveal how God uses dominion of other nations, adversity, pride to humble and bring all people back to him.. We will…
Before deciding to attend CTS, my primary goal was to first learn the Bible, become a minister and teach the Bible to others. I marvel at clergy that quote scriptures from their mouths without looking first hand and anticipate the day when I can do the same. The Bible contains answers to everyday issues (the good, the bad and the ugly) and helps us to learn about theology and ourselves. For this reason, I stand more excited about taking this class as opposed to many of my other classes. By…
Week #13 Reading Response Question 1: What did I learn about the nature and activity of God? In Isaiah 1:18-20 God sees the sins of the people of Israel and they are scarlet colour, but He promises to make them white as snow I 'd the will only obey Him. He will even feed them. However God tells Israel if they don 't listen to Him, they will be devoured by their enemies. God was revealing the need for Israel to rely upon Him. He was demonstrating that they need to depend on Him or be vanquished…
Section 2: Short Answer (5 pts. ea.) Please answer the questions below in 1 or 2 sentences. 1. What is the typological significance of the supper of the lamb in Exodus 12:8-11? The typological significance of the supper of the lamb is that of Christian sanctification. The character of the believer is to align with the character of God, and to “eat” of the lamb in its entirety means to establish a “complete” relationship with Christ, the Lamb of God. 2. How would you answer the apparent…
The prophetic book takes its name after the prophet who received the vision. The name Obadiah means “servant of the LORD”. It is the smallest book in the Old Testament. There is no information about the author. Sanhedrin 39b (Talmud) said Obadiah was Ahab’s servant. Pseudo-Epiphanius said he was King Ahaziah’s military official (thus the book must have been written in 842 B.C.). John Calvin said he could have been an eyewitness to the destruction of Jerusalem which suggests that the book must…