In 1765 The Stamp Act was for people to pay taxes on various paper, documents, and playing cards. The taxes that the people pay for are for the british troops that are stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years War. The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act on people to pay for the British Troops. The British Government did a hard-to-obtain British Sterling rather, than the colonial currency. People who violated the Stamp Act was prosecuted by the Vice-Admiralty Courts. These courts have no juries and are held everywhere. These courts were also ruled the British Empire. The tax collectors were attacked from British goods to riots. One day a bunch of colonists got together to talk about how they were going to rebel against The Stamp Act. They started to talk about why there is taxes on certain papers and anything that is paper. Then there was a group of people called the Sons of LIberty that rebelled against the King. They were also called the Loyal Nine. So there was a lot of discussions on the Stamp Act they thought that they should rebel against the King and the Parliament for taxed papers. When I heard them talking about it I heard that they were going to rise an armed rebellion against the British.…
The Stamp Act March 22, 1765, the day the Stamp Act was passed by the British Parliament, little did the colonist know that every piece of printed paper they used would be taxed, because of this act. After the 7 Years War, the British Empire was tapped out of money, and was in desperate need to pay the British troops located at the colonies. Since the colonies had British troops defending them, the British thought it was only fair to share the cost. So the British, used the colonist as a…
On March 22, 1765, in a very little town, the British Parliament passed the “Stamp Act” to help pay for British troops stationed in the colonies during the Seven Years’ War. As I pass the british soldiers, I hear them say something about the new law. As I act like I am talking to someone, I listen in on what they are saying. “ Yeah, chief told me that there is going to be a new law. It’s called the “Stamp Act”. He said that it means that the colonists are going to pay taxes on documents,…
The Stamp Act, created by England’s parliament, was an act that taxed colonies on newspapers, pamphlets, licenses, and other paper products. The stamp was created to bear revenue stamps but the stamp created anger among many of the colonists. Colonists were justified in their refusal to accept the Stamp Act because the government taxed colonists without the correct representation. The Stamp Act was highly disliked because the English parliament taxed the colonies without the correct…
The Seven Year’s war or better known as the French and Indian war, that lasted from 1754 to 1762, left Britain with a huge debt to pay. A Prime minister by the name of George Grenville had a revenue program that would make colonist pay taxes. In that revenue program, the Stamp Act of 1765 was created. The Stamp Act extracted revenue from the colonies by requiring that paper used for official documents such as, newspapers, court documents, and even playing cards, were to be taxed. The Stamp Act…
It all started in the month of March in 1765 in the town of Boston, Massachusetts at the time of when the Stamp Act was in full effect. My name is Ferdinand Taylor I am twelve and the Stamp Act is in a full scale riot. In Boston yesterday the colonists started to burn all the stamps they could find in the streets to protest against the British. A lawyer by the name of James Otis argued that we shouldn’t be taxed from the Parliament because we didn’t get to vote for the Parliament members so we…
This act is what initiated colonial rebellion against British Parliament. Due to the lack of revenue generated from the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act was implemented into law, which led to the Declaratory Act, and later…
Today is March 22nd 1765, the British Government has made the Stamp act. This is a law where all American colonist have to pay a tax on EVERY printed piece of paper they used. I wouldn't care if the tax was for something important or for a good cause, but this was to be used to pay the costs of the defending and protecting the American Frontier near the Appalachian mountains. I do not understand why we have to help the British pay for their problems. I have to take money out of my own pocket…
I am experiencing the Stamp Act. The British Parliament need help defending and protecting the American frontier near the Appalachian Mountains. They passed the law March 22nd 1765. This law is made so that every printed piece of paper has to be taxed. You have to pay taxes on newspapers, playing cards, The Stamp Act is actually not that much to pay. The Stamp Act has violence between some people. A mob in Boston attacked Mr. Oliver the secry because he accepted the act. The colonists are…
Hey! Did you hear about that new Stamp Act? No I didn't hear about the new Stamp Act. Can you tell me about the Stamp Act. It was the year of 1765 and it was bad. Well the stamp all started from George Grenville. The act was imposed on tax on all paper documents in colonies, came at a time when the British colony was in deep debt from a seven year war. The laws were so offensive to the colonist was not so much its immediate cost but the standard it seemed to set. In the past, taxes and duties on…