One day a bunch of colonists got together to talk about how they were going to rebel against The Stamp Act. They started to talk about why there is taxes on certain papers and anything that is paper. Then there was a group of people called the Sons of LIberty that rebelled against the King. They were also called the Loyal Nine. So there was a lot of discussions on the Stamp Act they thought that they should rebel against the King and the Parliament for taxed papers. When I heard them talking about it I heard that they were going to rise an armed rebellion against the British. …show more content…
I told them that we should start riots every time they tell us to pay taxes for papers. The people that I am talking with thought the idea I have was a good idea. So the people started to make riots every time there was a tax collector gaining the tax for the King. The group of men and women talked for a long time about the ways they are going to rebel the Stamp