Severe acne on the face, chest, and back can cause permanent changes in the skin that we refer to as acne scarring. When pores become clogged with bacteria, oil, and dead skin, it causes inflammation and swelling of the pore. Follicle walls in the skin break because of this swelling. During the repair process, new collagen fibers are formed; however, this process does not return the skin back to its original condition. Once the repair process is complete, it is common to see permanent acne scars as a result of the skins inability to return back to its original smoothness. Acne scars vary in size, but they tend to be the same pigmentation as the rest of the skin. There are two main types of acne scars that are referred to as atrophic and hypertrophic…
Scar Revision A scar is your body’s way of healing an injury. Scars may be caused by surgery, cuts, scrapes, burns, or a skin disease such as acne. Scars can change the appearance of your skin if they are wide, raised, sunken, or discolored. A scar near your eye or lip may change the appearance of your face. A scar may also cause your skin to tighten, which can restrict movement. Scar revision is a procedure to reduce, remove, or improve a scar. WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES FOR SCAR…
The Scars of Colonialism Humanities 351 has taught me a lot about the world I live in today. As a student and citizen of this complex world, I never realized how much colonialism has affected our world and even our country as a whole. Colonialism seemed like such a distant concept to me before this course, but it is quite clear that the scars colonialism has left are still affecting the world today. Colonialism and the colonial impulse are technically “dead”, but it has greatly affected the…
They regress spontaneously within month to years after the initial injury.40 Hypertrophic scars are often red, inflamed, itchy and even painful. They typically appear after burn injury on the trunk and extremities. Hypertrophic scars are frequently misdiagnosed as keloids clinically . Their gross appearance is similar, although keloids grow beyond wound margins. KELOIDS Keloids represent a pathological response to cutaneous injury resulting in disfiguring scars with no known satisfactory…
I disliked my skin, and so I disliked myself. From the moment I entered high school, I struggled with acne. It started off slowly at first, with a couple of whiteheads here and there, before becoming progressively worse. Whiteheads turned into cysts that would turn into scars, marking my face permanently. For someone who had never had issues with confidence, acne was devastating. I became increasingly self-conscious and felt people 's eyes burning into my skin whenever I spoke with them. With…
However, with a discolored scar tissue blemish on her eye, she no longer felt pretty. The world became much darker for Alice. Alice tone took a change. She explained how she struggled in school and simple tasks became difficult for her. Alice’s peers called her mean names and she was constantly bullied. Her reaction was to withdraw from the outside world. At the age of twelve, she would stand in front of the mirror, ranting and raving. She would beg for the scar tissue to disappear, she told…
in natural skin care. These wonderful phytochemicals provide a great breadth of natural, medicinal components well-known for healing damaged skin, as well as reducing the appearance of old scars from wounds, acne and other incidents. Essential oil blends for these applications are gentle, safe for regular use, and have a wonderful aroma to boot! There are a few primary oils used in skin repair; additional oils may be added to your liking (to improve aroma, or add further skin-supportive…
Keloids are raised scars that can be itchy or painful. Keloids are the product of a wound or cut and are not contagious. Keloids are most likely appear on people with a darker tone of skin, such as those of African American, Hispanic, and Asian descent. Also, it runs in families and is more common among the ages ten to twenty. Keloids are formed from the excessive healing of a wound. According to, “After a skin injury, your cells try to repair the damage by forming a scar. This scar…
Because of the incident, she becomes blind in one eye and due to prolonged medical attention a scar is left there that causes her eye to stray away when not paid attention to. Walker abhors her “ugly” self because of her eye and shies away from raising her head at people scared that society will notice her and judge. She says, “That night, as I do almost every night, I abuse my eye. I rant and ravee at it, in front of the mirror. I plead with it to clear up before morning. I tell it I hate and…
differing mice lines that allow for the manipulation and exploration of fat cell regeneration throughout the wound healing process. To begin the study, it was necessary to explore the components of making the fat cells and their precursor cells during wound healing. Preliminary experiments were conducted using dermal cells from wounds with and without hair follicles. Results showed that the hair follicles were a necessary factor to inducing the growth of fat cell precursors. The dermal cells…