As designers and creators we have endless methods to create art, we can express ourself in any way we want. With interior design you will always find yourself creating new environments, so is a common thought to imagine that a client may ask you to design his/her new living room with a contemporary style, of course, for this design you need to add objects such as furniture in order for the client to have a clear vision of how this space is going to look like. But sometimes objects drawn in one dimension won’t show your whole perception of the space. Two-dimensional drawings will provide the realistic component in your designs, allowing you to see more than one side. Is almost like a trick to the eye, your concept can influence your clients in a more successful way just by incorporating what is called “linear perspective drawing”. One of my favorite techniques that I studied is called linear perspective which allows creating the illusion of space on a 2D surface using just lines, is important to mention that linear perspective is just one of six ways to create the illusion of space on a two-dimensional surface (Fussell). We will be discussing two-point perspective (which is a type of linear perspective drawing), learning how to draw an object in two-point perspective will allow you to understand the importance of proportions and angles when it comes to the elaboration of objects in the design field, but before jumping into that we need to define certain terms in order to…
Escher was an artist primarily known for the complexities and puzzling aspects of his works. He also worked periodically throughout his career with many physicists such as Roger Penrose to develop visual as well as artistic of depictions of theoretical geometries. One of the most famous and well-known is that of Waterfall in 1961, his continuous and disorienting array of paths which funnel water onto a wooden wheel (Fig. 1.) Waterfall achieves visual and contextual complexity by using purely…
contributions made by Islamic mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi to the difference subjects of algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Ideas discovered by Al-Khwarizmi are discussed as well as other concepts that serve as proof of his understanding of various complex ideas we use nowadays. These concepts include simplifying equations, completing the square and trigonometric tables. Key-Words: - Islam, Mathematics, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry 1 Introduction Throughout time, cultures and…
In ancient Egypt, the Nile would flood its banks each year, flooding the land and destroying the farm areas. When the waters receded and the people had to redefine the boundaries. This work was called geometry and was seen as a re-establishment of the principle of law and order on earth. (Lawlor, 6) The best lessons that I remember from my own math learning were the ones that involved interactivity with hands-on tools and tasks that connected to real life. Curious about how others viewed math…
A’s my eighth grade year, was corrupted by going into my freshman year, Geometry class. Our eighth grade year was still young. This was the good times when our grades didn’t count and I personally, didn’t care if my grades did count or not. My favorite time of the day was Algebra one. Now, I know that many of my classmates hated…
I visited the Modesto Junior College Art Gallery, it is located on the East Campus in Modesto. The title of the artwork presented that day was “Geometries in Cold Welded Steel.” This artwork was presented by the artist Tom Duchscher. Duchscher has been teaching design, sculpture, and ceramics at MJC for the past 40 years. His work has been exhibited throughout northern California and pacific northwest. For the past four decades Duchscher has dealt with the exploration of geometric forms and has…
Over a 100 year span the Muslim empire spread over a huge are and was able to establish itself. During these times churches and synagogues were protected. Also the Muslim-Empire was governed by dark fundamentalism and barbarianism. Muslims had their hand in many things including math. These mathematicians were the ones who developed the decimal number system and invented algebra and trigonometry. In the realm of medicine Muslim physicians knew about blood circulation long before anyone else in…
Sumerians made many inventions, like the wheel, the chariot, mathematics, and the first written language. First off is the wheel. According to, it says, “The first wheel was believed to exist around 3,500 BC in Mesopotamia.” Arguably, the oldest wheel ever found was discovered in Ljubljana, and dates 5,150 years back. The first wheel was created as a potter’s wheel and later on it was irrigation, milling, and finally used for transport for rich people. Next up is the…
Write of what parts of the text were the most difficult to read, and to identify how many times a passage was read before some understanding was achieved. This has been actually one of my best weeks so far, week 6. The topics were linear equations and non linear equations and I was able to remember about them so this time my brain was not that disconnected as normally is with algebra which made me happy. Do not get me wrong, I still had to read multiple times some sections that caused a little…
The expected format of our group is as follows: Warm-up beach ball toss activity: Participants in the group will be tossed a beach ball by one of the instructors. The instructors will first demonstrate the activity with each other and then pass the beach ball to one of the participants. The individual who catches the beach ball will state their name, what they know about yoga, and if they have ever done yoga before. That person will then toss the ball to another group participant and they will…