Promiscuity was satirized in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and as much as we would like to believe our society is not nearing the vulgar actions of the New World State, we should not believe in such unrealistic concepts. Some of the same struggles that were faced in the book are being seen more and more in our world today. Even though there is some uncertainty and minute resilience in the novel, promiscuity is an ongoing battle in the New World State and on the Reservation; likewise, current society is showing that the intimacy shared between two people could be replaced by a rising acceptance of promiscuity. Though Lenina is an Alpha with the perfect hard working life and freedoms, the promiscuity practiced and pushed upon the people…
Both A Streetcar Named Desire and A Taste of Honey include characters who are victims of their sexuality. These two texts were written in 1947 and 1958 respectively, and this period of time showed a specific attitude towards homosexuality: Homosexuals were treated with constant disrespect and homosexuality was also classed as a mental disorder. These views were also evident towards women who engaged in sexual relations outside of marriage. The negative attitudes towards characters such as…
By soaking in a hot tub, it eases her nerves, this motif is used to rid herself from her painful past. She loses her husband to suicide after finding out his homosexuality, homosexuality was illegal in 1940s but in 2003 it was legalised in America. Williams himself was homosexual and he imposes the idea of being gay as wrong in the play but makes Blanche feel deeply regretful after his death. He associates his death with a “Varsouviana” polka tune the musical symbol always plays when she…
The mother thinks her daughter has already set herself up for a life of promiscuity. The mother even goes to the extreme on explaining “how to make medicine to throw away a child before it even becomes a child.”(505), this is clearly an abortion recipe. For her mother to include this in her instructions, shows that her mother doesn’t feel like her daughter can handle herself in a respectful manner. Throughout the story, the daughter only speaks two times. The first time it is to tell her mother…
The Essentialism Perspective on Promiscuity and the Societal Repercussions Throughout western history, there has been one main belief that has prevailed regarding men and women’s sexuality: that sexual motivation is influenced by the physiological differences between the sexes and accounts for their variances in behavior. This essentialism approach to sexuality, developed with the advancement of evolutionary psychology, which states that all living things maintain a fixed biological,…
ultimately the loss of an integral part of the identity of the girls residing at the asylum. Before Rose/Patricia and Bernadette break free at the end of the film, the girls at the asylum appear to have become somewhat robotic, without expressive opinions. We see this develop throughout the laundry room scenes, where initially the girls went from talking whenever possible, to becoming quiet and unemotional in the final laundry scenes (Higson & Mullan, 2002). The girls are also lined up when they…
Women in Literature and the Effect Men Have on Them Men have a negative effect on women in literature in terms of oppressing their sexuality and leaving them devastated at the end of the story. For instance, Addie Bundren from William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, was an unhappily married woman whose sexuality was oppressed, by the constraints of a male dominated society and husband, despite her affair. In comparison, Blanche DuBois from Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire, was a widow…
“Girl”, Jamaica Kincaid writes, “on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming...this is how to hem a dress when you see the hem coming down and so to prevent yourself from looking like the slut I know you are so bent on becoming...this is how to behave in the presence of men you don’t know very well, and this way they won’t recognize immediately the slut I have warned you against becoming;” In this excerpt, a mother is telling her daughter, Kincaid, what…
Can you predict promiscuity by looking at fingers ? Introduction “Imagine predicting if your partner is promiscuous simply by looking at their hands” . Throughout this essay there will be, a description on digit ratio 2:D 4:D, a description on what is promiscuity?, evidence that proves promiscuity can be predicted through digit ratio 2:D 4:D , research about unfaithfulness promiscuity and prostate cancer, Study on promiscuity and androgens, Can you predict promiscuity by looking at fingers?…
Promiscuity is the fact or state of being promiscuous. This is based on sexual relationships with a numerous number of people on a certain basis. Catullus writes poems that deal with promiscuity in a numerous number of them. I have examined these two of Catullus poems that he addresses to Lesbia. I was able to translate the wording as some I couldn’t comprehend well into modern day language. There is a sexual relationship between the two even though Lesbia is married to another man. I began to…