The book is named “Heresies and How to Avoid Them”. A total of 12 writers contributed writings for the book; however, Ben Quash and Michael Ward are the editors. Ben Quash received an undergraduate and doctorate in theology from Cambridge University. He currently is an Anglican priest and Professor of Christianity and Arts at King College. Michael Ward is a writer, Anglican priest, and a Chaplain at Peterhouse. He received a doctorate from the University of St Andrews and has several publications. The purpose of the book is to show why it matters what Christians believe. The thesis statement is important because the book shows how heresies can affect one’s belief. Ben Quash and Michael Ward divide the book into two part. The two part…
Heresy is an “opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system.” In Greek, heresy or αίρεση signifies a choice, the opinion chosen and the sect holding the opinion, a choice that one personally and freely nakes, which happens to be the main controversial topic about Pelagianism. As Peter says in his second letter, “there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who…
Humanity has long sought safety inside groups with a similar identity. The existence of tribes or clans based on family throughout the history of the world serves a simple benchmark of what an oft-sought community looks like: It looks like me. One of the many segments of history where we see this desire for like-identified communities is in the development and discourse that frames up early structures of “orthodoxy” and “heresy” in the second through fourth centuries. Driven by the idea that…
The first great heresy for the Christian religion is considered to be the Arian heresy-- with the name deriving from its most influential preacher, a parish priest named Arius from Antioch. The Arian heresy arose, in the year 318, from the fact that it was difficult to explain the difference between “the One and the Many, between the ultimate unity that lay behind the visible universe and the incapable variety that exists in the world as we know it”. Arius resolved this problem by preaching…
What I found to be particularly interesting in the Heresy Lecture – Part II was the Beguine movement as they were pious women that were deeply devoted to Christianity. The Beguines were a group of women that dwelled together in communal homes that became a movement for women. In addition, the Beguines were kind of a renegade Christian sect as they were not recognized as an official branch of Christianity. The homes that the Beguines lived in were referred to as a beguinage throughout Europe. …
III. Heresy “Even today,” writes Burnham, “Langeudoc’s best-known products – besides wine – are heretics, and dominant in both contemporary and historical accounts are the Cathars.” The “Cathar” heresy has continued to dominate the scene in the study of medieval heresy whether one elects to believe in their existence or not. There is no doubt to any of the scholars under examination here that heresy was real to the Latin Christian intellectuals who charged many souls to being heretics. Indeed,…
personal experience has caused traditional thought to be challenged. An overlying paradigm of diversity (p. 18) has compelled “true” orthodoxy to be challenged, and as a result, heresy is seen as the “new orthodoxy” (p. 16,). In The Heresy of Orthodoxy, Kӧstenberger and Kruger (K2) provide a fair examination of the Bauer thesis which lays its foundation on the major urban centers of the first and early second centuries. The Bauer thesis, as popularized by Ehrman, argues that diversity – not…
The heresy of Pelagianism received it 's name from a man named Pelagius. Pelagius was a well known monk and theologian who also gained recognition from his work as an educator in Rome. Despite residing in Rome, Pelagius was of British decent. The heresy of Pelgianism is a heresy that deals with human nature. Pelagius taught that humans could fulfill the commands and wishes of God by exercising the freedom of human will that is not in contact with the grace of God. This statement essentially…
Christianity to present themselves. Leaders within the churches convened in order to form unanimous and unwavering principles as answers to the essential questions of teaching orthodox faith. These debates would be called Ecumenical Councils, settling disputes regarding the Holy Trinity, the duality of Christ, the question of grace, and other heresies. The baselines of these principles have resulted in various schisms, some of which are still prevalent today. From the Council of Arles in 314 AD…
5 Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,[c] being born in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philipians 2:5-8) Modern issues that we will be talking about is Kenosis. Kenosis is considered as a heresy because…