saccharine dessert to finish. Truly, Colombia is “the nation of magical realism”, a diverse country, which offers an outstanding variety of food to explore. II. Breakfast Along with many delicacies, breakfast is decidedly significant in Columbia. In fact, their breakfast is digestible and uncomplicated. For instance, Calentado, which means “heated”, is a traditional Colombian breakfast born in the Andean region of the country. Indeed, it is very prominent in this region, “to eat beans and rice every day for dinner. Then, for breakfast the next day, the beans and rice are reheated and served with egg, arepa, chorizo, chicharrón or grilled beef and hot chocolate”. The food is greatly comprehensible like its name “heated”. Furthermore, Migas de Arepa is a legendary breakfast served in Colombia. The dish is comprised of “eggs scrambled with pieces of arepa (flatbread) and tomato-onion sauce”. Indeed, the combination of the savory arepa and the chilly tomato-onion sauce is incredibly magnificent, with light eggs. In a brief, breakfast in Colombia has a healthy, stabilized diet. III. Everyday meal & Side dishes Although, Colombian food is typical of Latin American cuisine as a whole, the main meals are profoundly distinctive than breakfast. Usually, the main meals are distinguished into three parts; main dish, side dish, and beverage. Typically, the main meals are highly centred on deep-frying everything. “Meats (beef, pork, chicken, and fish) are popular, and most dishes are…
If the food tastes yummy they will want to come back for more. At Sweet Lizard, that is exactly how I feel about the product; I wanted more. To begin with, you have the choice of sampling each of the twelve yogurt flavors. These flavors routinely change so you will never know which flavors you will have to choose from beforehand. Today’s options were French Vanilla, Dark Chocolate, Watermelon Sorbet, Peanut Butter, Cupcake, Dulce de Leche, Tart, Cookies n Cream, with the option of swirling and…
When some people think of Christmas, they think of presents, Santa, and decorating the Christmas tree. Not me, I think of the candies that my grandmother would make. My favorite that she made still remains the homemade “turtles”. Although I haven’t made them recently, I can still remember what they taste like. My “turtle” recipe is my grandmother’s recipe. Prepared with my grandmother’s homemade caramels, these will melt in your mouth. First you will need to get the equipment and…
Welfare, attempted to establish breastfeeding as the “Canadian way.” In The Canadian Mother’s Book, MacMurchy promoted, under her governmental title, breastfeeding as “the one best way” to feed infants. Although this message had been ignored with the medicalization of infant birth and feeding practices in the mid-twentieth century, Canadian women, doctors, government officials, scientists and groups, like the La Leche League (LLL), began returning the importance of breastfeeding in marketing…
segregation, De Jure and De Facto segregation. De Jure segregation was segregation that is forced by law and can be easily fixed, De Facto segregation was segregation enforced by the public and society, not necessarily by law. Since De Jure segregation is a law, it is required and hard to get around for example, Plessy v. Ferguson, and the Jim Crow Laws. De Facto segregation makes the struggle for racial equality extremely hard because it will require changing people’s beliefs and views and…
middle decade two more young males accused Gacy of rape and he would be questioned by the police about the disappearances of others. Later discoveries would uncover that Gacy committed his first known murder in 1972 taking the life of Timothy McCoy after luring the teen to his home. December 11th, 1978 15 year old Robert Piest went missing last seen at his work as he headed out to meet Gacy for a potential job.He lured his victims with promises of works and when he got the to his home he would…
The Mughals ruled northern India from 1526 – 1857 AD where the Lodhi’s was the last dynasty to rule India. The invasion started all because of India's reputation of being the only known source of diamond mines in the world and it's flushing International trade attracted many invasions. “North Indian kingdoms resisted invasions by Arab and Turks for centuries, but soon small Islamic empires or Sultanate were established in several parts of the north. Before these invasions, Muslim trading…
In a series of ten works, estimated to be more archaic than the Christian scriptures of the Old Testament. Vitruvius, a Roman architect and engineer, wrote the treatise: De architectura – based on a set of principles concerned with the theory of architecture, also known as the Vitruvian triad. He highlights the importance of structural integrity, utility and function, and the honesty of true beauty defined by a paradigm of, “firmness, commodity and delight.” Vitruvius’ writings established a…
Once we all piled in the van, we had to stop at McDonald’s for food. When we got done eating, we started on our way to Des Moines. About half way there, some of us girl started to get a little tired. Some fell asleep in their seats, and some fell asleep on the floor of the van. I was one of those girls. When we got to Des Moines, we had to go check into our hotel. We had to share the whole hotel with West Lyon. When morning arrived, we all headed down to the lobby for some breakfast. Once we…
De Beers focuses on building brand Nothing is forever in business, not even diamonds. Ask De Beers, which runs the world 's diamond cartel. The London-based company, actually De Beers/Centernary, has developed and inflated the connection between diamonds and romance -- a link that goes back only to the 19th century. Its highly effective advertising slogan, "Diamonds are forever," was established in 1948 and is still going strong. "De Beers ' operating strategy has been pure and simple," says…