Once we all piled in the van, we had to stop at McDonald’s for food. When we got done eating, we started on our way to Des Moines. About half way there, some of us girl started to get a little tired. Some fell asleep in their seats, and some fell asleep on the floor of the van. I was one of those girls. When we got to Des Moines, we had to go check into our hotel. We had to share the whole hotel with West Lyon. When morning arrived, we all headed down to the lobby for some breakfast. Once we were finished we went back to our rooms to get ready for the first day of the tournament. When we got there we had to go sign in and get all of our gear on. Once we have our gear on, we did all of our stretching. When we were done stretching, it was time to play our first …show more content…
Once we started serving, that’s when we came back and ended up winning that game. We were so happy that we actually won a game that day. So once the team that we beat left the court, the next team came on. We played two matches against them. I do not remember the their name but we ended up winning again. After we got done playing the second game, we got a little break. So we decided to watch the game that was happening on the other side of the gym. When we were watching them, our coach came up to us and told us that we had to go to a different gym. So we all got up and walked over to the next gym. We got in there and we saw the people that we were going to play next. The girls on that team were tall. All of us girls looked at each other and said that we are probably going to lose to these girls. When it was time to start warming up, we watched them hit. They were not very good, except for one girl. All of us girls looked at each other again and said that we can beat these guys. At the end of the game, we ended up winning. When the last game of the day came, we were playing our butts off. Towards the end of the game, the score was tied and we had to win by two. We had the serve. Mariah Leemkuil was serving for us. When she served it, it hit a girl’s arms wrong and went flying out of bounds. That meant we only had one more point to go. The girls that were sitting on the bench were holding each