The first girl grounded out and then their power hitter was up. I knew her from school, she was in my class and would always brag about how she went to a fancy hitting coach. Apparently all the money her slightly psychotic mother payed was well invested because she hit a rocket. The other team’s fans went crazy, louder than ours were the whole night. She hit a triple and then the next girl up hit a lousy ground ball and my second baseman threw it to first to get her out but it was an RBI. The score is now three to three. It was humid more than usual and I was sweating ridiculously but I ignored it. I struck the next girl out and was happy to be back in the dugout. I grabbed some water and then started cheering on my team. We were all up against the fence screaming louder than ever before. It was a scorching night or at least that was what it felt like. I started getting slightly light headed but me being an eleven-year-old competitive person, did not care. I turned to the line up to see when I was up and our team mom, Ms. Cindy, stared at me. She walked over and asked how I was feeling and I said fine. Even though I was not, I really did not want to sit out. She said I was pale and compared me to a ghost. She sat me down and gave me some Gatorade. Ms. Cindy was a paramedic so I did not have a choice to disregard her. Jennie, a girl on my team scored and the cheers erupted. I got up to go cheer with…
The constant search for food was the primary reason for the Karankawa to travel throughout southeastern Texas. Karankawa generally traveled by dugout canoe as well as by foot. Myth has it that the Karankawa practiced cannibalism, however it was true that they would often catch an enemy chief or warrior to kill and eat them. The reason for this was not for food but instead to capture the power within the chief or warrior. The Karankawa ate a diet consisting of berries, plant roots and other…
need to stop with this, we’re all tired of how you’ve been acting lately!” Thomas said. “Oh yeah? well if you’re so tired of me then why don’t you do something about it!” Blake responded. I could tell by the look of rage on his face that he was about to. I told him to just calm down and let the coach handle it. However, he made the mistake of telling Blake he could not do anything anyways. Blake jerked around and charged at T knocking him straight on to the hard ground. He stumbled up…
That rusty and dirt like smell of the dugout makes entering the dugout worth it. “Wassup homie!”, yells Avery. “I’m ready to win,” I answer. “Same,” Avery says. “Let’s do our thing,” Aspen says. We all go outside of the dugout and circle up, with our arms around each other. “HEAT, HEAT, HEAT, HEAT,” we yell “Heat on three. One. Two. Three. HEAT,” We scream. With sore throats and messy hair, we hustle to the dugout; John walks over and says “Take the field, ladies” I rushed to second base…
The sun was bright so he closed his eyes tightly and did a few blinks.the warmth of the sun brushed up on his skin as the shade began to fade away as he stepped out. The team was sitting on the dugout bench talking trash about the other team. It wasn't an unusual thing. He then saw one of the best players on the team, ben leaning on the rusted pole in the dugout. He walked closer and got his with something slimy on his cheek. He felt around for it and took it off. He looked at it. It was a…
They needed really good transportation over water because they lived on island on the pacific and on the coast. There main transportation over water was the canoe. The canoe the Haida used was specific to their culture. The body of the canoe was a dugout of a tree they hollow out. In the summer they cut the tree and then rest it in steaming water to hollow it out. Elaborate designs would be drawn on the side of the canoe and on the paddles. The bow and stern would be added separately. The canoes…
Keep Out The Dugout November 24TH, 1887, football fans used boxing gloves and broomsticks to play the very first, official, game of softball. Just a little over four decades earlier, Alexander Cartwright, the “father of baseball” formalized the rules, or codes, of “townball”. What is townball? Who exactly is Alexander Cartwright? What does this have to do with softball? All valid questions you may or, may not have right now. Townball or base are both older colloquial terms used to describe,…
It’s that time of year, the leaves are starting to turn and the weather is still scorching hot outside. Fall has finally arrived and I’m back at school for another semester. Fall baseball has just begun and it’s time for the first scrimmage. I walk out of the locker room and put my hands over my laces, and step out on the concrete and hear that first crack of the spike hitting the ground. I head to the best spot on the field the third base dugout. The field looks great the grass is cut with a…
Tlingit Indians KAI MOORE Tlingit Indians are fascinating people and many people don't know a lot about them at all. That's what this paper is for. To inform you on the daily life of the Tlingit Indians. So, if you’re reading this I hope you’ll enjoy it. First off, the Tlingit lived Bands or groups. Their Houses were 100 ft. long and could fit up to 50 people inside. Men did more of the food gathering and hunting while the women did more housework and farming. The children had…
Examples of this would be the fire steps which were dugouts higher than the rest of the trench floor created. (Bunker) They were created for sentry duty, sniper use, and unit defense of the trench line. This way soldiers can fire at the enemy trenches. Another example of this would be dugouts. Dugouts were below the floor of the trench, they contained tunnels leading underground and into the trench walls. (Bunker) These underground dugouts were intended to provide safety from artillery…