The first girl grounded out and then their power hitter was up. I knew her from school, she was in my class and would always brag about how she went to a fancy hitting coach. Apparently all the money her slightly psychotic mother payed was well invested because she hit a rocket. The other team’s fans went crazy, louder than ours were the whole night. She hit a triple and then the next girl up hit a lousy ground ball and my second baseman threw it to first to get her out but it was an RBI. The score is now three to three. It was humid more than usual and I was sweating ridiculously but I ignored it. I struck the next girl out and was happy to be back in the dugout. I grabbed some water and then started cheering on my team. We were all up against the fence screaming louder than ever before. It was a scorching night or at least that was what it felt like. I started getting slightly light headed but me being an eleven-year-old competitive person, did not care. I turned to the line up to see when I was up and our team mom, Ms. Cindy, stared at me. She walked over and asked how I was feeling and I said fine. Even though I was not, I really did not want to sit out. She said I was pale and compared me to a ghost. She sat me down and gave me some Gatorade. Ms. Cindy was a paramedic so I did not have a choice to disregard her. Jennie, a girl on my team scored and the cheers erupted. I got up to go cheer with my team but …show more content…
It was difficult to breath. The game was on a time out and I could hear Ms. Cindy saying I think we need to call. She could not get a solid pulse. My legs continued to shake and I was extremely nervous I knew they were going to call an ambulance; I had never been in one before. I just wanted to go home. I began to breath heavier most because I was nervous and then my sight was gone. All I saw was a black hole. It came back when I was on a stretcher getting rolled of the field. I had passed out for ten seconds. My team was doing a cheer that said we are proud of you but I was not proud. I did not get to finish the game. My mom came in the ambulance with me and my dad surprisingly left the game and drove behind