amphitheatre that could, and would, entertain thousands of people. Then, in 72 CE during the reign of Vespasian was when the construction of the Roman Colosseum had first began. In 80 CE, the Colosseum was officially opened, which was during the reign of Vespasian's son Titus, but there were many improvements made later during the reign of Vespasian's youngest son, Domitian. Emperor Vespasian, Titus, and Emperor Domitian all make up the Flavian Dynasty, which is why the Colosseum was originally known as the "Flavian Amphitheatre." ("Colosseum,"…
The “five good emperors,” were Nerva, Trajan, and Hadrian and two Antonine emperors, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. This was the period of success which began under Vespasian, continued under these emperors. During this time Roman civilization at its best, its highest stage of development. Nerva Nerva was born in Narni, Italy he was a Roman emperor from 96 to 98 AD, he became an emperor at age 65. Little is known of his upbringing, but when he took office he made immediate changes. He…
Barton would overall stress that Suetonius’ writings cannot be taken as a completely accurate historical account. While the emperors of Rome may have had character flaws, Suetonius clearly embellished upon them, employing an invective writing style. Historian James Chong-Gossard would concur with much of Barton’s thesis, as he furthers the idea that Suetonius’ writings were mere political propaganda. Chong-Gossard’s analysis of the thematic style of Suetonius’ The Twelve Caesars, reveals that…
starve animals so that when they fought the gladiators, they would be hungry and desperate. To the Romans, seeing someone killed in the colosseum was very entertaining. Plus, admission was free as well as the wine and bread. A few of the main activities that took place in the colosseum were gladiator fights, executions, and dramas. These events were very big in Rome because three reasons. One major reason was that there was free wine and bread. Another big reason people went to the colosseum was…
The Colosseum otherwise known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, started construction in 70 A.D. and took an estimated 10 years to complete, finishing in 80 A.D. The Colosseum served as a host for sporting events for the roman population. The two rulers accredited for the Colosseum were the two roman emperors, Vespasian and Titus (Vespasian’s son). Vespasian’s vision for the Colosseum was to build the greatest arena ever, seen in the Roman world. But how has this arena’s design stayed similar for…
One of the most interesting monuments found in the city of Rome is Domitian’s Palace.The place lies south west of Nero’s Palace, Domus Aurea, and west of the river Tiber. Emperor Titus Flavius Domitian ruled from 81 C.E. to 96 C.E. (MacDonald). His father was Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, he was also greatly interested in architecture though was more interested in military. After years of living in Nero’s Palace, Domitian built a new one and let Domus Aurea be open to the public.…
amphitheater made of stone and concrete. Because of its enormous size of 615 feet long, 510 feet wide, walls 157 feet high and a perimeter of 1788 feet covering 6 acres it is the biggest amphitheater ever created. It is also considered to be one of the most creative and outstanding works of engineering and architecture. Construction of the Colosseum was initiated in 72 AD during the reign of Emperor Vespasian. The creation of this great work was one of Vespasian’s biggest desires, however,…
The Fontana di Trevi or Trevi Fountain in English is a fountain in Rome, Italy. The Trevi Fountain is one of the top attractions in Rome and one of the most famous fountains in the world. The Trevi Fountain is situated at the end of the Aqua Virgo, an aqueduct constructed in 19 BC by Agrippa, the son-in-law of Emperor Octavian Augustus. The fountain dates back to ancient Roman times, since the construction of the Aqua Virgo Aqueduct in 19 B.C. by Agrippa, the son-in-law of Emperor Octavian…
Daniel Pagan Professor Thurmond 7 April 2016 Greek/Roman The Colosseum and its glory! Blood, death, animals, and gladiators, this is what the ancient romans loved! The the terrifying Arena of Death, the Flavian Amphitheater, or better known as the Roman Colosseum. This is one of the greatest architectural achievements in history. It is an oval amphitheater in the center of the city of Rome, Italy. The Colosseum was designed for gladiatorial contest and public spectacles. Earlier Roman theaters…
Spectacle and thrill were a major component of life in the ancient Roman empire. The gladiatorial games could perhaps be considered the favorite form of entertainment among Romans at the time. The gladiators themselves came from a variety of different walks of life. Roman spectacle took place in arenas, and they occurred in a great deal of forms. The gladiatorial games are often confused with gladiatorial executions; however, the two are in fact quite different. One question that has intrigued…