(JASDJ; Group of the Sunni People for the Calling and Jihad). Controversial origins and grievances, scholars argue that Boko Haram either emerges in the mid- 1990s either in the early 2000s by a small Sunni Islamic Sect. International concerns over Islamic groups operating in northern Nigeria are nothing new, in the mid-1920s under British rules the international community already raised concern about the activities of Tijani missionaries. Even if the interpretation of Islam and use of violence differs from Boko Haram, the causes of these concerns are the same today as they were in the past. Three…
This lack of trust appears to have multiple causes. On one hand is the reliance on foreign export and suspicion of local innovation; on the other is the lack of experience by industry in dealing with university. An informant from Namibia believes that the general population in Africa tends to prefer imported goods and ideas at the expense of local products and innovations. Also supporting this view is a Ghanaian research development officer who laments the case of an innovator in her country…
the force to keep criminals off the streets and the overworked, thwarted police officer who eventually becomes a member of a criminal gang and realizing that the system is corrupt and there is little or nothing that can be done to professionally combat crime. In the police, there is little difference between an officer who accepts a free lunch or a free ‘symbol of gratitude’ and one who ends up wresting money in return for protection (Echazu). Hence, the definition of corruption in the police is…
I would say it all falls and rises on the leadership of African states. There is a need to lead right. Generation after generation Africa leaders at almost all levels have succeeded in feathering their nests to the detriment of their people, which is why as blessed has Africa is, it comes last amongst the League of Nations. Democracy may not necessarily be African, however, our values are similar to its principles. Accommodating minority views, minimizing economic inequality and political…
ESSAY 3 How have your values been shaped by your communities? I grew up listening to stories about a malnourished boy with seven siblings who loved to dance. He twirled about with only a thatch roof above his head. I grew up listening to stories about a quiet girl locked into the rigidity of a military family. Tales of land with a flag of green and white, where the future seemed dim due to a lack of electricity and a corruption-laden government. Then, the story would turn to America: the land…
When the country initially gained its independence from Britain in 1960, expectations were high that Nigeria would become an economic heavyweight in Africa. With abundant natural resources and a large population, it seemed the stage was set for success. However, despite earnings of more than $500 billion from oil sales during the period 1970 to 2007, the country still suffered from extreme poverty, illiteracy, and high debt. Several factors have been blamed for Nigeria’s troubles including…
sexism, anarchism, enslavement, kidnappings, stoning, terrorizing and even mass beheadings their opposition? A faction, which stands against contemporary shared values and morals, and they advocate for violence and barbarism under the name of virtue and ideology. They are known as Daesh, but there are many disinformation, misinformation and lack of information about them. Who are they and what do they want? If we can’t answer these tow fundamental questions, we will not be able to win against…
independence was not a panacea.’ (121). The existent quagmire created new challenges. Consequently, the extended period of maladministration of over fifty years since independence has galvanized into internal insurrection in the Niger Delta. N. Ogu notes that ‘The root of the protest and attacks are deeply embedded on neo- colonialism imposed on Africa by her own sons’ (119).In fact, Ojakorotu points out that ‘following Nigerian independence, there has been serious crises of social and…
There is a wide broad definition of poverty, to specify it to one term would be impossible. According to Unesco, poverty is defined in absolute and relative terms. Absolute poverty measures the lack of basic requirement to satisfy our basic human needs. Such as, safe drinking water, food, health, education, information, clothing, shelter and access to services (Unesco, 2016). The other term relative poverty, defines poverty in the economic condition that people lack in order to maintain the…
and violent conflicts, tumbling economy and fears of recession, the raise population growth rate all these have cause some to stress in the health system globally, hence the need for a likely solution to help revamp the battered health system in need of assistance. The solution will have to accommodate and imbibe a total radical ways to care and manage patients generally, with support from technologies and its accessories, knowing well that there already is a manpower deficit, a need for…