the new industries by bringing factories and workers together. However, because so many people moved into the city at one time, houses became overcrowded. The densely packed working class neighborhoods contributed to the spread of disease. Workers were paid very little and could not afford to keep themselves or their homes clean. There were no sidewalks and the roads were muddy. Houses were built right next to each other which left no room for ventilation. Also, most people preferred to live close to the factories, which meant there was smog in the air. Homes lacked sewage systems, so drinking water and wells were polluted with disease and germs. The most common diseases that spreaded throughout cities, specifically poor working class neighborhoods, were cholera, tuberculosis, typhus, typhoid, and influenza. All of these diseases were contagious and were potentially fatal. , In 1849, 10,000 people died from a cholera outbreak in three months (The British Library Public Health Timeline). During the first sixty years of the Industrial revolution, living conditions were so poor that many people had…
damage we have initiated will be irreversible if we continue this behavior. In the 17th century the Industrial Revolution began and with it came social changes that impacted the environment ("The Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Our Environment" 1). The purpose of this paper is to show how, overtime, the Industrial Revolution has made a negative impact on the environment through urbanization. The author will give some background information and illustrate the deterioration of the…
The Industrial Revolution created a faster mode of transportation, the Steam Engine. The steam engine positively affected the people in the Industrial Revolution and so did the factories built. The Industrial Revolution, itself, had helped create many new inventions that made farming, writing, and traveling more easier for the people of the revolution. Although many children and factory workers faced many problems, it eventually led to the Factory Acts and the School Sites Acts, some of the…
The Industrial Revolution’s Development and Impact upon Society The Industrial Revolution is arguably one of the most outstanding achievements of man. It greatly propelled society forward with the creation of numerous inventions and machines, all of which helped advance the Industrial Revolution even further than before. Although it would eventually spread across Europe and to all corners of the Earth, the Industrial Revolution started off in England for a myriad of reasons having to do with…
The Industrial Revolution is arguably one of the most outstanding achievements of man. It greatly propelled society with the creation of numerous inventions and machines, all of which helped advance the Industrial Revolution even further than before. Although it would eventually spread across Europe and to all corners of the Earth, the Industrial Revolution started off in England for a myriad of reasons having to do with its physical geography and socio-political conditions. As such, England…
cultural, and intellectual revolutions. A social, cultural, and intellectual revolution typically occurs over a long period of time and results in major advancements for the global population. Of all the social, cultural, and intellectual revolutions there are three revolutions: the Scientific, the Industrial, and the Agricultural (first and second) that are considered to have been highly influential revolutions which resulted in major advancements for society. Each of these three revolutions…
At every new civilisation level, great transformation occurs and the world and society are given new looks. Industrial Revolution has developed and have greatly impacted to everyone living on earth. Technologies and new concepts are introduced to promote a more modern society, which created convenience for the people but as well as some negative impacts like overpopulation. With these continuous changes, humans are walking nearer and nearer to the modern and mechanised world. …
(Accampo). During the Industrial Revolution there were many advances in England causing it to be the first nation to industrialize, because of the advances there were inventions that turned the domestic system into a factory system, which had faster production of goods, that led to the Industrial Revolution this will have a positive and negative impact on the lives of the people in England. The Industrial Revolution started off in England because of the natural resources, geography and more,…
**The age of industry was beginning to boom, this began in England before it moved to America. The Industrial or Market Revolution was a turning point in the way things were made. A large amount of human labor was no longer necessary because it was being replaced by machines. Machines were able to accomplish more work, in a faster amount of time than any human would ever be able to do, thus resulting in higher profits for companies.** America caught onto this idea not too long after the English…
The Industrial Revolution is the period in the world that the world as it was known began to truly change into the world that we know today. During this period several inventions were made that we still use even today. These inventions include the successful harnessing of electricity, the automobile, telephones, radios, grocery stores, trolley cars systems, the airplane to name a few. Although before all of these wonderful tools, and methods that we as members of the twenty first century society…