TO WARHOL BOARD- SHIRY • Dmitri Shiry welcomes the board to the last board meeting of 2016. • The Andy Warhol Museum board has been aggressively moving forward with respect to identifying new candidates for the Warhol board. • The Nominating Committee has identified a handful of individuals that are entering into the beginning processes, though some are further along than others. • The Nominating Committee would like to present the candidate Jim Patrinos to the board for approval. His wide, Kathe, will be rotating off of the board at the end of 2016 due to the term requirements that are instituted in the organization. Mr. Patrinos has expressed his interest in continuing the Patrinos involvement with the museum on an ongoing basis. All…
George Eastman, J.P. Morgan, John Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie were captains of industry. Eastman, Morgan, Rockefeller, and Carnegie were all captains of industry because they all gave back and donated money, each of these four men donated money or items to business, charities, and founded their own schools or business. George Eastman was a very generous man and gave money to schools, businesses, and even gave away scholarships/internships to M.I.T which stands for Massachusetts Institute of…
• Name of Industrialist: Andrew Carnegie. • How did he acquire his wealth? - Andrew Carnegie was born into a family who believed in the importance of books and learning in Dunfermline, Scotland. After he immigrated to the United States in 1858, he started with his first job as a telegrapher and then invested in railroads. With constant efforts, he established the Carnegie Steel Company in 1889 that was the largest steel company in the world. He made huge sums of money from the steel industry.…
Henry Clay Frick was labeled as a robber baron. Frick was born to a farming family in western Pennsylvania and received little formal education (Encyclopedia of World Biography). His grandfather was a wealthy miller and distiller and Frick became bookkeeper for his grandfather's businesses at age 19 (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Frick was knowledgeable of the potential value of coking coal deposits for the developing steel industry (YourDictionary). With financial help from relatives and…
Carnegie Art Museum My family and I went to the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh on November 25, 2017. We saw different art exhibits consisting of modern art pieces and traditional art pieces. The first art exhibit was called 20 20 and it focused on African American lives from different perspectives. The second art exhibit was more permanent and had a variety of art. This second exhibit was much bigger and didn’t focus on one particular idea. I found both interesting, but some pieces I wouldn’t…
Pop Art is an art movement that started in Britain in the 1950's and came to America in the late 1950's. Pop art is a style of art that enhances objects and figures by using bright colors to extenuate the focus points in the piece. There were many great artist's in this era such as Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Andy Warhol is famously known for painting the Campbell's Soup can but he didn't stop there, he created some of the most famous pieces of pop art today. Andy Warhol was born in…
The Johnstown, Pennsylvania flood, May 31,1889, was a tragic Disaster waiting to happen. The town was placed in a river bed for a steel company, with a poorly built dam holding a lake from pouring into the town. The town,payed to be built by Andrew Carnegie and other rich powerful men was destroyed in a instance. It would take years to repair the damage to this town. The question is, is Andrew Carnegie and other wealthy men at blame for this incident? It could have been a honest mistake or…
these intriguing creatures. Dinosaur National Monument is extraordinary in light of the fact that guests can see fossils uncovered on the bluff face of the Douglass Quarry at the recreation center guest focus. This site gives a standout amongst other previews of Jurassic dinosaurs discovered anyplace on the planet. The quarry was named after Earl Douglass, the scientist who discovered it. From 1909 through 1924, when work concentrated on exhuming historical center examples, the Douglass Quarry…
American playwright August Wilson was born on April 27, 1945 in the poor neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was raised in a small apartment with his mother and five siblings. His mother was an African American cleaning woman, and his father was a German immigrant (“August Wilson Biography”) who became a baker. His father left shortly after Wilson’s birth. His mother remarried, and the family moved to the predominantly white Hazelwood area. At his new high school, Wilson faced bigotry…
transformation allowed for new forms of art to emerge. There is a whole line of post-modern artists who were influenced by Marcel Duchamp. Artists like Ai Wei Wei, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, and especially Andy Warhol (Relf, 2016), all had very similar outlooks on art to Duchamp. You get a sense of Duchamp’s influence on the artists just by looking at their works. For example, Andy Warhol’s representation of a bowl of Campbell’s Soup, which is often compared to the urinal in the sense…